Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Canary Coalition Palmistry in La Laguna

No doubt now, we can denote CC as the political party formed by the mages, wizards, not uneducated, legs or farmers, meanings given to this word in the Canary Islands. Wizards of magic, people engaged in magical arts by doing the impossible, or making it look like they do supernatural things.

A few days ago, I published an article entitled: "It was not known, but quietly and Ladino, the Fourth Reich has been established in La Laguna" in

/ Otrostemas/08-05-2011/nosesabiaperodemanerasilenciosayladinaelivreichsehaInstaura- doenlalaguna.

In that article, and should have anticipated that the Holy Grail, Holy Lance, the Cross of Christ, or something like that and, moreover, should be accurate to think that, at least, had a magic ball. But now clarifies which also have a public works machine that performs the work virtually, and that people should believe it and live the story of Alice in Wonderland like it.

It is the group's governing council has created a large green park of 25,000 square meters in La Cuesta, as stated by Mr. Clavijo on May 25, 2007. A few days later, on May 25, 2007, enables a car and a large parking and an indoor pool and a leisure and commercial space, which for more INRI, manage their own merchants of La Cuesta.

It turns out that Mr. citizens of La Cuesta de Arguijón, are pranksters and every time the corporation of the City opens one of these works, they hire David Copperfield (magician who takes away that jumbo jets and stuff large), and makes away these great works.

ARE NOT heartless, NON RUINS. Let the great and monumental works of the Corporation lagoon look. If you knew what it cost the little machine virtual public works, certainly not joking with that.

Of course the trouble is that the other neighborhoods of La Laguna are buddies, and they are making the poor Easter Mayor, who goes crazy making believe. If not, what do you say the center of San Benito Health Service became operational in early 2008? Well, can not be used because the neighbors did disappear. What Health Center Bajamar? Also announced in 2007 that soon would be. Another frustration for the mayor. And the work of Barranquera, what I have? The poor campers who were camping and found themselves with nothing. So there are many works "virtual" the poor mayor looking for, as one who seeks the lost votes.

But, Mr. Mayor, you have to have hope. Eventually the neighbors are good, if not already conjured see the bus station, which opened for some time. You see, the locals of Padre Anchieta have pity Mr. Mayor. Something he has not reciprocated, evicting the wrong way to the industrialists who had their businesses within the former station without further thought. That is not Mr. Mayor. Have you been bad, very bad with parents.

And lest we all be critical to Mr. Mayor, to make it look the wise and good work done, we will describe some works such as rehabilitation of the House of Ossuna, the pedestrian of St. Augustine, the work in the Estadio Francisco Peraza (La Manzanilla), Plaza Dr. Olivera, Plaza San Matías, Control field of Valle de Guerra, and some more that I left in the inkwell, the virtual machine if it worked.

Gee, Mr. Mayor! It turns out that the little machine that blew up work when the money is the central government, FEDER, etc., But when it comes to money in the Canaries, no nothing.

But also, you hang the authorship of such works as the City of La Laguna.

Mr. Mayor, Messrs Councillors DC, with shame, at least to the people that pays their salaries. Acquire enough dignity not to have to call them as unsightly. Since that game quite unworthy to have a President who swears on his honor a lie. Where is the slightest shame? Any nationalist party, with shame, should leave by the wayside. The trouble is that that of "Mighty Knight is the gift money" policy prevails in all professionalized.

Citizens of La Laguna, Albert Einstein said: Same as action reaction. If we hammered a finger, certainly hurt, and whenever hammers, hurt, and growing. Vote to them, or do not vote or vote no and the result is the same. Think and act on that thinking does not have a headache, but it can hurt the pocket by not thinking.

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