Sunday, September 9, 2012

Management Ethics With employees

As small business owners deal with the situation of the real world, when suddenly the employees and close their places? It happens often with little or no explanation. This can be troublesome for employers, because a lot of time and expense goes into recruitment and training of personnel. Fortunately, this can be managed with the investigative technique and willingness to communicate in solidarity with one employee.

In any organization, no matter the size, is extremely useful to have a designated ethics officer. And 'this person is responsible for handling communication failures, and ethical behavior. When an employee gives notice that they are intending to abandon their work, would be in the ethics office to investigate the reason why I quit smoking and take steps to resolve any problems groped around that decision. Often, once the problems are resolved, the employee does not lead to exit, after all, and goes to help with a high rate of productivity for the company.

Ethics Officers were trained in the knowledge that:

- People are basically good.

- A staff member will try to protect a benefactor (small business) from damage caused by unethical behavior.

- A staff member will eventually leave his post if he is the author of immoral conduct.

For example, if an employee was to return home every Friday at off-time with a box full of pieces of paper, pens and various other articles belonging to the company offices, with a justification of any kind to do it, is a perfect candidate to leave the company. Because an employee is basically good and, finally, do not want to hurt his benefactor, that he would rather quit the company to continue to steal from it. The Ethics Division, in collecting data for a case, should take steps to determine which employee had taken the immoral behavior. If it has been revealed as having happened, then the ethics officer to investigate further to find out reasons of the employee's conduct in the first place. In dealing with and resolving immoral conduct, the ethics officer would have the list of employees:

- Details of the action his unethical behavior.

- Correct time and place of the act.

- The effect of these actions had on other employees, departments, and all those involved.

The ethics officer will then proceed to the discovery of all communications outages that affected the status of the employee comfort and productivity. The officer would try to figure out if the employee:

- Understanding company policy that affected its place.

- He had detailed knowledge of the needs of his post.

- They had been properly delivered outside the responsibility for the management of his place.

- He knew the business system to communicate with other people and departments.

In any area where the employee lacked information or understanding, would soon be formed and updated. Following this basic system of ethics management has proven to be effective for small business owners to reduce dropout rates of employees. By the way - when an employee asks a scheduled pay raise, you make your decision based on their current pay rate compared to their productivity. If you do not meet the requirements for the revival of productivity they are requesting, take the time to help them determine how they can increase their productivity to ensure the additional pay .......

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