Monday, September 10, 2012

What is a Budget "Good"?

What makes a good budget? What costs should be included in the budget? What you can do variable expenses in your budget? As you can personalize a budget?

Where are you going?

The key to a good budget or spending plan is knowing where you've been and where you want to go. Knowing where you've been done by ensuring that you have written in which all that money is going. You can find this information to categorize and review the last 6 months of control registers or other accounting methods you were using. If you do not have this method in place, you have just discovered the main problem of the budget which is the first item to fix.

If on the other hand, using a control register or by other means, but they have numerous general entries such as "cash" or "various" or other unidentifiable labels, this must be corrected. You should know where your money is going before you can deviate. I recommend bringing a small spiral notebook for at least 2 weeks (longer is far better) and a record of each cash transaction. I never had a client or student to do what is not returned to me astounded by what they had learned from this experience.

Budget labels

Once you have a record of all expenses for a decent period of time, the rest of the budget process is relatively easy. The following labels can be used to guide the user by listing what debts and expenses are where you can organize your finances. Nothing from the list below is written in concrete. Then adjust the labels to suit your particular needs. If an item is variable, enter a monthly average based on past history and future expectations.

Here is a list of suggestions of items:

Your income
Spouse's income
Other income
Fixed expense
Rent (not mortgage)
Other Body
Child Care
Child Support
Home Insurance
Car Insurance
Medical / Dental Insurance
Life insurance
Other insurance
Variable costs:
Other utilities
Medical Expenses
Other variable expenses
Secured Debt - bills / debts that have a tangible asset (mortgage, car, etc.)
A secured Debt - Those debts that have nothing tangible that can be taken from you for non-payment (credit cards, medical bills, etc.)

Guidelines for the federal budget for home
Here are the percentages recommended for household expenses. They are offered by the federal government in bankruptcy counseling nationwide. They should be used only as guidelines.

Housing 25%
Transport 15%
Utilities 10%
10% of food
Clothing 5%
Medical 10%
Personal 5%
Other 5%
Savings of 10% ......

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