Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Cuddling To Seduce A Woman - the seductive power of touch
Physical contact is one of the foundations of true seduction, is that little will change your results from 7 to 10, is so important, touching encourages women and communicates that your intentions are sexual, to You do not care to communicate this, unlike you feel comfortable and totally natural for you, and as we know, what you feel she feels.
So if physical contact is the foundation of every successful sexual interaction, you have to put drawer, a habit of physical contact with girls, not worrying about what they will say, it's just normal for you, get used to touch the people, whether in men, arms, hands, give hugs, take the hip, whether man or woman, get used to touch people to become completely natural. At first you will notice that you feel weird doing these strokes to seduce a woman, it ignores the damn emotion, you know what you really want and touch the girls because your intentions are not just being platonic friends, you want to sleep with her, which not verbalize course.
When you start a conversation with any girl you should not wait more than a minute to at least touch his arm, or make any strokes to seduce a woman, this is very important, because it depends on how you to spend your conversation during the next few minutes, make a priority then touch the girl.
Finally the girls play on you show you're a guy and really passionate sex is something you like and are not afraid to express, from experience I can say that a girl never lie to you if you do not feel completely comfortable with the done with your sexuality, if you can not easily express that you like sex then you are missing the purpose of this game.
If you want to learn how to attract and seduce beautiful women with ease, just click here.
I appreciate the creative act of a work of art
"The beauty of art is to represent not a beautiful thing, but in the beautiful representation of a thing."
Emanuel Kant.
Dedicated to Humberto Gonzalez. Who introduced me to the art world: aesthetics and teratology.
Does watching, watching, watching ...? What is the right word or to say the least, indispensable? I do not know. All I can say is that in the hermeneutical process that occurs between the viewer and the work of art in question, is of the same nature between the creative act that connects the artist with his work. In the end is a very intimate approach.
Yes, art theory, psychology even to mention two areas of knowledge, trying to "explain" the process. And they have their validity in terms of capacity to develop argumentative.
Only that to "educate" our eyes and our minds must be enriched by the artistic. Before explaining something we understand and comprehend. We can not do things in reverse.
For me, the opportunity to stand before a painting allows me to connect with the possibility to enjoy and experience the beauty for me means the possibility of further enrichment and creative and not a necessary adjectives to label some aspect of life. That is the great difference, a work of art in its beauty endures because it represents a trend, a need for immediacy. The beauty of the work is not fit or meet the aesthetic, but potentiate the spirit of being.
Moreover, the creative act and fortunately for most of the time it does, continually breaking paradigms. It is precisely the beauty, in reinventing themselves.
All you have to do one as a viewer is to understand and exercise that a picture is enjoyable. That is precisely the key and the ultimate result we are looking for: generating emotions.
The latter does not mean "adjectives" the work, much less explain it. What we really need to do is "feel with the eyes" the beauty of things. That certainly requires a great exercise in contemplation, which today becomes a big challenge.
However, everything can be achieved. The first step is giving us the opportunity to see a picture, and not force the mind, emotions far, everything has to flow spontaneously.
View shapes, colors, arrangement of spaces, the elements of composition, application of the shadows and lights, the absence of some elements, the suggestion of the subject, reflective challenge, the attitudes of the persons or things, the accommodation of the box, lighting, separation from one another painting, our mood, our willingness to appreciate the poetic language of the work ... to name a few elements of hermeneutic ritual must, I repeat, enjoyable.
How often and when have you given the opportunity to see a picture? What are your reasons? If you have not done or not, I invite you, dear reader, you know that wonderful opportunity. You will have a unique spiritual growth. Begin to understand many things, such as one has in his hands the possibility of not living in the immediate.
As Octavio Paz said, "I have to rush and hurry do not know why."
You can stop the time-space and once you've reached the enjoyment, so you can apply to other aspects of your life.
That's really the function of art. Inviting contemplation and creating our own reality in a measured, disciplined and transformative. It is therefore spiritual enrichment.
For you what is beauty?
abnerpantoja.webnode.com /
Rubik's Cube
Rubik's Cube was created by a Hungarian architect named Edno Rubik. This cube is well known today. It is a cube that is composed of other smaller cubes of different colors. The purpose of this puzzle is to move the cubes in a way that the colors are equal on one side. This cube has an incredible internal rotation design. This cube was created over twenty-five years in 2005 celebrated their anniversary. Today in 2011 and have over thirty years. This game is very popular around the world, economic super already sold over four million copies.
The original design had the rubik cube white on each side and on the basis of the twenty-fifth anniversary was created a version with silver instead of white with the motto of the anniversary.
In 1972, a Canadian invention very similar to a cube of Rubik Edno. This happened two years prior to Rubik created a new version. The Canadian version had colors instead of images which makes the game more difficult to resolve. Over time they have invented several versions and sizes of the cube so famous, and up there to fix pocket when you are traveling.
In 1974 a famous English surname Fox, invent something very similar to Rubik's cube, but with a circular, the patented it in the UK.
Rubik's Cube is considered a puzzle game, because it involves a riddle. These puzzle games, rubik cube, not left Hungary not until 1980, when it became known internationally. He started making cheaper materials for easy sale and transportation.
A classic pastime is the Rubik cube, it is entertaining and very good at drawing and train the mental fields. It's a very good game to practice and improve some mental skills. Almost every person has ever tried to solve this puzzle so much fun. It's easy to find to play them in any supermarket.
Photo Of The Day: 29/07/2011 "comet"
There is no unanimity at the time of establishing the origin of comets, however, the idea becomes strong enough that they come from ancient China. It appears that the first record of its existence dates back at least 2,500 years. As curious contraption, has raised the spread of many legends around the occasion of his appearance. Some people associate it with traditional fishing methods, consisting of a hook tied to a rope ending in a comet, and in turn hold a boat to fish in a relaxed manner. Had to be careful with the position of the shadow on the water surface, not to scare away the fish, but apparently was used by ancient Polynesian fishermen. Some Chinese monks, made it fly for hours, as an exercise meditación.Con Over the years, kite flying is spreading to different countries of the region, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma, Japan, India, to move something later to the Arabian Peninsula and North? Africa. It would take more to get to Europe, as we had to wait until the Mongol invasions, contacts with Arab culture and trade from the Cape of Good Hope.
So he came to our continent in the fourteenth century and reached a high level of popularity in the XVI.No However, the most unusual uses for this mill came on the nineteenth century when it was used to lift up to the sky meteorological observation instruments. The versions that revolutionized scientific research of the time, came from the hands of L. Hargrave (1894), which amended it to make it three dimensional and William A. Eddy (1891), who devised a method capable of flying non cola.Ya in the early twentieth century, when the aircraft burst into our lives, he joined a military application to their already diverse applications. The intention was to raise observers on the battlefield, for what is building a complex system of interlocking comets, of which hung a basket containing the observer. In a few years, we decided to use balloons in his lugar.Hoy days, have versions designed for racing or recreational use or tracción.Si options this world I find it interesting, I recommend you visit the following link http:// usuarios.multimania.es / jmsuay / photographs are details of some of the most important comets in history. You can find an evolution of forms, applications and even names of the creators of some of the most prominent examples. You can find more articles of this series in http://fotoblogedurneiza.blogspot.com
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http://fotoshop.edurneiza.comFoto: Edurne IzaTexto: Otamendi Onintza Iza can download this picture freely. The only restriction is for sale and / or use misma.No lucrative forget that all work belongs to its author, make good use of it.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Teacher Alienation: How to avoid routine Professional?
From various texts of contemporary authors, articulate key ideas with the ultimate goal of outlining a reflection on the teaching activities in an attempt to restore the artistic dimension of practice
"If you want to learn, teach." -
Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 BC-43 BC) Writer, Roman orator and politician
The politician and orator Marcus Cicero enunciated, as in ancient times, the reciprocal relationship between learning and teaching. This close link, materializes today, more and less fortunate, in classrooms of vast socio-economic, cultural and various disciplinary fields.
This bidirectional and power, we could baptize as "educational synergy" only materializes when enabling certain features peculiar coexist, dissociated from the routine of memorizing as the only mechanism of study, rigid institutional programs, experiences away from desks, the dissociations between theory and practice of assessments that only proves the possibility of repeating concepts, the absence of criticism and the disappearance of reflection, meditation refers to the process.
? Angel Diaz Barriga, excellently addresses this issue, since the construction of a methodological approach that allows the teacher to converge the three levels of the educational program: the curriculum of the institution and the teaching itself.
From a non-instrumentalist, teacher professional faces challenges, and experience to combat what the author calls "routine training" and "alienation." In Barriga's actual words: "Giving a pilot teaching is a key element to combat professional routine and, above all, against the alienation in the teaching profession" .* 1
The Mexican, Doctor of Pedagogy, and made explicit at the end of the last century, a line of thought that had already raised the American philosopher Donald Schön seven years ago: the return to the concept of the art of teaching and focus on "learning by doing ".
Epistemological? AS. ENDS AND MEANS
The epistemology of professional practice in general, and teacher, has been shifting from purely theoretical frameworks strongly positivistic and technical thoughts, other dominated by the "doing". These latest trends put the accent on the consideration, meditation or, as is mostly called, on reflection.
Jurjo Santomé Torres, Professor of University Teaching and School in the Faculty of Education at the University of Coruña (Spain), in an attempt to understand what happens in classrooms, begins his foreword to the book "Life in the Classroom "Professor of the University of Chicago, Philip W. Jackson, summing up the theoretical framework of the late sixties and comparing its current development. Posed as the failure of technical rationality models, accusing them of being "unable to explain and provide adequate support in work situations in which teachers are involved." * 2
The thought merely technical and positivist conceptions, is focused on the effectiveness for purposes unquestionable and placed their trust in the scientific laws to explain educational phenomena, leaving aside the moral value of actions.
Under this framework, values, customs and beliefs guide the non-reflective action and routine. However, if we understand that the vitality of tradition, is subject to its ability to generate and manage change, we are on a critical aspect.
In contrast to the latter positivist, critical theory, stresses a weighing of circumstances and judgments, conceiving reality as a social construction. From here, it highlights the need not to ignore the context, particularly the classroom where, according to Jackson explicit classification take place between the concepts of multidimensionality, simultaneity, immediacy, unpredictability, advertising and the story. That is, a world of uncertainty and constant change.
At the same time, Torres Jurjo Santomé, raises different reasons for what he calls "schizophrenia between theory and practice" that rests on three pillars disastrous: the threat posed by "experts" on such theories and teaching practices that influence from their productions, the underestimation of the individual teaching and theoretical models that these "experts" have on how they should be teaching practices.
Is learning an outcome or a process? The different theories of learning converge in one or another answer to this dilemma. However, there is a consensus today on the particular importance of the process.
How to build, then the bridge between the curriculum and teaching? Between the process and outcome? How to link the systems and methods of teaching practical guidelines Institutional Programs? How to promote creativity and sensitivity to address the disciplinary field teaching?
Given these questions, Diaz Barriga, proposes the use of a methodology to articulate the particular disciplinary field with teaching. The method should not be reduced to a set of actions to perform, but rather, should include an overview of teaching strategies, cognitive vision, humanist, genetics and psychology.
The Mexican author, the method seeks to address three levels of conceptualization: a) as an epistemological problem, b) as a link with learning theories, and c) as an order of the stages of learning in the classroom.
Arising from these levels, several authors, including Hilda Taba Ph.D.,
thought raise the standard of global structure of the learning process on the following activities: a) opening or introduction, b) development and / or generalization c) closure.
But all these theoretical conceptualizations, can not transcend his own limitations but are implemented in the hand of the identification and recognition of socio-cultural, psychological and individuals in the classroom.
The doctor, lawyer, teacher, judge and as many primary roles of our society from centuries past, enjoyed a common privilege abounds today in demand and shortages in supply: the prestige, recognition of a society.
How can we doubt the word and medical diagnosis? How to put into question the son's reprimand by the school teacher? How dare question their words? Those were times of great figures of eminent professionals and stricter social guidelines.
"Professionals have established a covenant with society. In exchange for access to his extraordinary knowledge in matters of vital human society has given them a mandate on social control in their areas of expertise, a high degree of autonomy in their practice, and a license to determine who will assume the mantle of professional authority "* 3. Everett Hughes, a pioneer in the field of sociology of the professions, expressed the confidence that was deposited in the professional half of last century.
In his text "The formation of reflective practitioners', Donald A. Schön posed by this crisis and focused its attention in the training of professionals for claims arising in their practice, with emphasis on the verge of trust that exists today on the professional knowledge, in correspondence with the difficulty in preparing teachers.
The American philosopher shows that the centralization of the Colleges of Education of Professionals in your resume-established normative and positivistic aspects of technical rationality, it is inefficient, highlighting the lack of link between the idea of professional knowledge introduced in the centers with the skills required really. It says so, the lack of education under conditions of uncertainty, demonstrating the relationship between competition in practice and professional knowledge from an opposite point of view.
How to teach the great masters of yesteryear without formal academic programs without clear methodological system? How potter taught his disciple on the work of pottery and clay? How does the carpenter managed to convey to his heir the detailed work of the wood?
The "professionalization", at least in certain connotations, was a substitution of art for systematic knowledge, preferably scientist. Re-establish the quota necessary intelligence and improvisation inherent in the practice is a challenge of new school that proposes, among others, Donald Schön: return the concept of "art of teaching", focusing on "learning by doing" and guiding students through tutoring a good action, encouraging the making of a dual curriculum in vocational schools, to provide legitimacy for the training of professionals.
In seeking an answer to this paper I argue that wields on how to prevent the teaching task becomes empty routine, devoid of meaning and purpose, we find the concept of "reflective practicum" proposed Schön. This concept must be understood as practices that seek to assist students to obtain essential art forms to be competent.
Adding to this concept, it expresses the "knowledge in action", referring to the insight that is revealed in the intelligent actions of human beings, whether observable from the outside or circumscribed to private operations. Through observation and reflection can make a description of the tacit knowledge. To this, the American philosopher, calls it "reflection on action", where the activity takes place once the event has occurred or during a break in it. Thus, a teacher who is short of excellence, you can integrate these ideas in action, concurrently with the task to run, being a "reflective conversation" or "talk back". This view underlies the midst of a constructivist conception of reality that teachers face, to consider them as architects of their practice sites.
The complexity of our academic reality consists not only of didactic and technical challenges. The context, which certainly exceeds the four walls of the classroom, and the values that underlie all teaching activities, are also part of highly complex and interwoven particular conditions the what, how and what we teach.
This problem of reality, coupled with the continuous extension and variation of knowledge of particular disciplinary field, explicit the need for an organization of learning activities related to the subject, a requirement for exploration of our own experience and that of the same students, and a renewal requirement on our abilities, talents and inspiration, summarized in what we call "art."
Read this material, authors of this quality approach and share experiences in teaching groups or forums, will gradually in raw, internal change, which may be translated if good intentions are channeled in a change to guide the teaching plural the teaching and learning, to a reality and empowering.
Breaking our own limitations, eliminating trivial routine and reassess the teaching profession is a daily challenge and in eternum, dereplanteo infinite doubt.
Rumbo in eastern Cuba
To travel to the capital and the rest of the country, or east or east of Cuba, and always near the coast, after leaving Cayo Levisa, take the road to Havana, near the north coast , the most beautiful and enjoyable of all, where monotony has no place, for small cross and picturesque villages. Shortly before reaching the town of Bahia Honda and we are in a different coastal stretch with other than a coastal area left behind. There are no keys or mangroves or low cost but a high coast, where it grows and there is no presence of mangrove cays. It is the second installment of the northern coast that it was in the early numbers. The same extends to almost the height of Varadero, which discussed later. So Havana trip is enjoyable and entertaining, along the north coast, along the blue waters of the Straits of Florida, which never fails to observe. At least until the country's capital, the journey by this route has already been described on this site in another of our articles.
By referring to a trip from Havana to Viñales along the North, published in this series. When asked a Cuban address shall be used on any word carefully East. In Cuba it is understood only by the five existing Middle Eastern provinces of the country, that is, Las Tunas, Holguin, Granma, Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo, which in the old political-administrative division formed the former province of Oriente. Therefore, in common language to fully use the name of the provinces, not the cardinal points. In the capital can stay in any of the many hotels or private homes to visit the two groups of beaches that surround the capital. The same is commonly known as West Beach and Beaches of the East or the North Coast beaches of Havana, referring to Havana. The former are usually rocky and narrow, deep and close to the new hotels in the capital. Are not continuous but are interrupted by stretches of rocky outcrops. Are bordered by urbanization. Some of them can breathe a marine environment and the construction is common to see small boats in small rivers that cross.
Such is the case of the beach Jaimanitas and, more remote, of Baracoa. Others, like Viriato (name little known) and Marianao are small and where the little space is used by swimmers from nearby neighborhoods. They are very popular and are therefore not much frequented by the public but by small groups. Very different are the beaches of the East or the North Coast. These form a continuous sandy space, predominantly shallow and where the rivers that can be crossed without difficulty, being the most illustrative example Boca Ciega river or Justice, whose mouth can cross from shore to shore and the water almost does not gain knees, which creates a system of lagoons near the coast.
The beaches all have different names and are crossed by small rivers. From west to east is the beach of Cojimar, crossed by the river of the same name, which originates before reaching the coast a deep canyon or gorge to reach the sea, because in the north coast are small known heights as Havana-Matanzas. Unfortunately the river is something that is contaminated, although plans for its purification. Here is located the small town of the same name from the river and the beach, Cojimar, famous for it because it was immortalized by Ernest Hemingway in his novel The Old Man and the Sea of course a place to visit is the Museum the Finca Vigia, Hemingway where he lived not far away, in San Francisco de Paula, so it is suggested visit. Cojimar Following the tour is close to the sea, which covers the whole way. The first beach is Bacuranao is crossed by the river of the same name. A curious fact to be noted that both rivers are small towers or fortresses, which were built by the Spanish to protect the nascent Havana against the attacks of corsairs and pirates, as happened in 1762 when the British admirals in command of the Albemarle and Pocock occupied Havana and held for nine months.
Bacuranao is near Tarara Beach, which forms a small small river coming like a small estuary known locally as The Itabo. We follow the Santa María del Mar beaches, Venetian, Boca Ciega (through which the river of the same name) and, finally, Guanabo and Brisas del Mar, the latter being the most famous of all. In fact one beach, very large, with different names. These beaches have the general characteristic that is sheltered to the south by these elevations, which makes it interesting to get to them is to take the road known as White Way, which connects Havana with Matanzas, the Athens of Cuba , a town near the bay of the same name. Only through four intersections can be reached from the Via Blanca on these shores in buses and cars: the first is next to Playa Tarara, the second in Boca Ciega, the third after Jack Green Restaurant, in the street 462 (which descends to the sea in a phased manner across a system of terraces of marine origin, similar to G Street in Vedado, where there are four of these formations up to the Havana seawall), and fourth in the street 506, in the point known as La Conchita.
It's a really beautiful show stopping from any high point of those elevations, especially after spending almost 100m 462 Street, next to the Mirador de Bellomonte. This can be done anytime, but the best time is in the early hours of the morning and late afternoon, where all can see clearly with exceptional conditions for taking pictures at the feet of the observer, particularly along the beach, their wave trains, the different shade of blue of the sea with relation to depth, vegetation and buildings Guanabo and neighboring points. All these beaches, like the rest of Cuba, are public. They communicate among themselves to easily from Guanabo Tarara's unusual for a swimmer begins to enjoy a beach which is at one end and finish off the day at another beach, situated in the other (end). They are almost 10 km. of beaches. Walking is common for all and the other also becomes attractive, which is common to see groups of youths roaming the beaches back and forth several times a day. They all have places where you can get everything you need to enjoy a good day.
As for accommodation there are several hotels from Tarara to Guanabo, seven or eight, such as the so-called Villa Tarara, Villa Harmony, Mirador del Mar and Villa Los Pinos Hotel Atlantic and Aparthotel Las Terrazas, the most famous being the Grand Hotel Arenal or Itabo. At present it is under repair, possibly in all of 2008 and part of next year. But I can think of it as a future option, it is unique in its construction, it is built on one of the gaps formed by the river or Itabo Boca Ciega, without altering the vegetation, something similar to Hotel La Moka, the Reserve Sierra del Rosario Biosphere. But if you want you can stay in Havana, located just 20 km. Guanabo, with numerous hotels and rental houses. The return trip by car is nice, because in the course by the sea offers different views of both outbound and return. Continue east. Other surprises await you.
Save Money How Insurers in the repair of your car?
The use of recycled parts is one of the ways in which car insurance companies looking to save money. It is very difficult to convince the auto insurers do not use this type of parts when the repair. However, it is possible to speak to the supervisor of the insurance adjuster for cars on the subject.
Most of the time will not, but it is possible to convince them because they want to keep customers satisfied. You can drive brand loyalty car insurance as an argument in your favor.
The auto insurance companies have an obligation to ensure that the repair of the car look good at 100%. So if parts or recycled parts used in the repair center have problems, you can make an application to the insurance company and ask for change for cars auto parts factory.
Another way in which auto insurance companies looking to save money is making alliances with repairers who charge them a lower cost for doing the job. For example, a lower billable rate, discounts on parts, poor quality paint.
Remember that before any event that is presented to the repair shop, you can go to any state agency that regulates auto insurance and ask for advice.
The examples cited are the most common ways in which auto insurance companies use to save costs in the repair of your vehicle. So it is important to take into account the information discussed. Finally, know that any problem that arises with the car insurance you can consult and seek advice with the Office of Consumer and see if a customer assistance program car insurance.
Rent a limousine for your wedding!
The wedding is a very important event in the life of every human being, which is a celebration to remember forever and can be made more special with the rental of a limousine to transport the bride and groom on that day. ¿Large or small? That will depend on the wishes of the couple.
On prices and the rental car market can speak much, but the fact is that before deciding on the income of a limousine for your wedding, you should make comparisons and if you can, references about the service provided by the companies.
To find a car rental company in Mexico City just do a search online, there are thousands of options to which you go. Once you've chosen the company you want to rent your limousine check out the promotions section, may have something that suits you.
The second step is to contact the company. You can call or send an email. In Mexico, phone calls are more effective than emails and you can answer your questions now and decide if you are interested in renting a limousine with that company or not.
One option is to rent the limo with other couples, they may be three or four, otherwise the size and price will be higher. Share the limousine with multiple partners is important because rental expenses are borne by applicants. Each partner must contribute equally.
Check out at least three limousines rental companies and if you visit their facilities to see the limousine. Consider that the price is not everything. Low prices limousines can bring trash. Talk to the drivers and check the condition of the limousines to make the best decision.
Then you have to decide how long you will need the limo. This is important because many limousine drivers charge by the hour and day, as you might think. So if you go as a group have to make a roadmap to know where they will pick up each pair. They will also decide whether to go home after the party or to another location. Calculate the total number of hours before making the reservation of the rental of a limousine.
Make your reservations as soon as possible. Perhaps there are many people like you want one. If you're getting married in company with several partners, choose someone who is organized and assign the task of planning.
A few days before the event call the car rental company to make sure everything is ready. You do not want an error by the company to ruin your party right?
Collect money from each pair and pay him the driver. Try to have something extra for tips and remember that everything must be based on the speed of the driver, kindness (his and yours) and its ability to meet your needs.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Ideas For Designing A Room Youth
When thinking about decorating youth rooms seem that the task is quite complicated. However, you will see that it is not. The fundamental question is able to use space in its fullness we have, making a correct selection of furniture. For the most part, young people are pretty strict when it relates to their own space, but if you consider some specific and important points, you will see for your bedroom decor is quite simple.
The first thing to consider is that youth bedroom must have the personal touch of someone who sleeps in it, so it does not hurt to ask your child what they prefer and try to arrange the space according to their tastes and possibilities. As usually the younger bedrooms are very spacious, lots of furniture are not needed but skill is needed for the few that are used, are practical.
The furniture indispensable, must-haves in any youth room are: a bed, a wardrobe and a chest of drawers, so you can organize both clothing and footwear. As often happens that the bedroom is also the study room, this type of furniture becomes a must and if you want to save space, consider purchasing cabinets with sliding doors.
With regard to bed, your choice should be based in terms of space available and also consider the fact that the juvenile may be shared bedroom. Consider in this case the option of using a trundle bed or bunk beds. The bunk beds are a very practical option since the beds take the place of an individual and if space permits you can use models to incorporate shelves or drawers as beds that combination of such modules greatly simplifies the space and provide well as more freedom, more space to organize belongings of adolescents.
When the room for your child or children for the study serves both to rest, can be very useful to have a drawer with an integrated desktop that allows you to sort your documents and tools for the study in a small space, and to arrange much space to work with the computer as books or documents. In addition, you can ease the task of study allowing them to feel comfortable using a chair with an ergonomic design. Even, to facilitate the general order of the desk area, a library can be mounted, which also performs functions of decoration.
As for the decor, there are many options available and basically depend on issues of personal taste and budget. But something very important consideration is choosing the colors of the walls. These colors should not be very stimulating and prefer soft colors such as blue or green. Such colors are suitable for a serene and peaceful sleep while soothing the eye. If your son or daughter likes bright colors, you can have them in the bedding and carpets.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Medellin Antioquia sunny days
Today, rural spa facilities design special programs for workers and other general public have the opportunity to visit their facilities in the department of Antioquia, every day, any day of the year.
With sunny days in Medellin Antioquia (click on this link to videos), you and your family enjoy the best for holidays or weekends, and can even find competitive rates, so they do not stay home.
Thinking about their welfare, the spa also give you the ability to choose the plan you prefer and spa that suits your tastes and budget. For example packages for groups such as:
Spa for groups of students and educational institutions:
A spa plan for groups of students to spend sunny days fun.
Spa for corporate events:
Normally apply for groups over 10 people, is a space to propose on the agenda of your company, a day of recreation, leisure and rest, which is necessary for a good working environment and to increase the motivation of all employees.
Spa country near farms:
Is visiting his farm and other plans need entertainment and relaxation? the best option is given the opportunity to pamper body and mind with a spa day.
Spa for other groups over 10 people (pregnant women, elderly, children, families ...)
The best gift for women and for men at any age, for your best friends and migas, a new anniversary gift or to give away the best wedding gift ... or just if you also want to take care and pampering, a spa located in the most innovative alternatives to their break times or when you need pleasant relaxation and revitalization therapies.
NOTE: When this type of service with quality of "spa" can relax and take advantage of the magic of sunny days longer if desired.
Now that you know the essence of what it is a sunny day take advantage of their free time and enjoyment.
On the outskirts of Medellin and Antioquia in the other places you can find relaxing spa services include programming as well as ecotourism, Ethnotourism and wholesome entertainment for the community.
For you which is the perfect sunny day? Leave us your comments on the following link to facebook and get wonderful surprises: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Spa-Integral-Abrham/196813277052262
Celebrate Spring at the Fira de Sant Ponç In Barcelona
On May 11, the streets of Barcelona are filled with colors and scents of aromatic plants and natural products. Essences, candied fruits, honey, yogurt, sweets, cheeses, candies, liqueurs, wines, oils, cakes, and sausages can see, smell and enjoy in the Fira de Santa Ponsa.
La Feria de Sant Ponç San Ponce is perhaps one of the oldest fairs held each spring in Catalonia and gives us all kinds of medicinal herbs, natural remedies and handicrafts in the land. The Fira de Sant Ponç held since the sixteenth century patron saint of beekeepers and herbalists, although probably the origin of the festival goes back to the celebrations dedicated to Flora, Roman goddess of vegetation. The stalls are installed in four districts of the city, Ciutat Vella, Eixample, Sant Gervasi and Sarria-Nou Barris, although the larger market takes place around the Hospital Street, in the heart of the Ciutat Vella. In addition to the fair-market, also organized religious ceremonies, parades, and other festive events sardanas.
If you are enjoying your stay at one of the hotels in Barcelona and want to see something different and traditional, do not miss the local fair of Santa Ponsa. Visit the event is free and you do not buy anything to enjoy the environment and discover products curious. Rue, thyme, rosemary, chamomile or laurel species are some of the protagonists of this day, in addition to using traditional foods such as jam, honey, chocolate and foods representative of the Catalan food such as cheese, the typical freshly killed, sausages ... In addition, in recent years and following the new trends are incorporated all kinds of organic products are 100% natural without preservatives or dyes. To take full advantage of the fair of San Ponç should consider making a reservation at a hotel in Barcelona. You will not regret!
Wonders of Nature in Morocco (1)
In addition to its historical monuments, delicious food, amazing beaches, excellent riads, its rich culture and hospitable people, Morocco also boasts an impressive and varied nature to delight visitors who look for landscapes and unparalleled views. Morocco is an extremely diverse, with more than 3700 kilometers of coastline, several mountain ranges, deserts with beautiful oasis and many other amazing natural wonders. Erg Chebbi Dunes Erg Chebbi is the only "erg? (Sand sea or dune sea) Sahara from Morocco and one of the largest in the country, and one of the most spectacular in the world. It extends for 22 kilometers long and 5 miles wide and its dunes, which take the form of different sand formations, reaching a maximum height of 150 meters. The dunes of Erg Chebbi is located approximately 40 miles southeast of Erfoud. There is a legend about the origin of the dunes of Erg Chebbi. According to legend, the dunes were directly created by God to punish the inhabitants of nearby Merzouga for refusing to give shelter to a woman neighbor and her son during a local festival.
The punishment was in the form of a sandstorm that buried the village of Merzouga. The erg is composed of an incredibly flat sea of sand and which comes suddenly a long mountain of sand. This mountain is surrounded on all sides of a flat and desolate nature causes strange and unreal feeling. In addition to the sand formations, there are areas, especially when leaving the erg, where you will find vast expanses of the flatter areas have ever seen, where there is absolutely nothing but small black stones distributed evenly across the floor.
They can reach the bus from Merzouga erg, which is about 3 kilometers from the Erg Chebbi. If you have your own vehicle can hire a guide in Rissani or Erfoud, but can also be done with a camel to experience a true wilderness experience ... The nearest major town is Marrakech which, although it is about 550 kilometers from Merzouga, offers good transport and excursions of one or more days in the desert. Waterfalls Waterfalls Ouzoud Ouzoud, whose highest point reaches 110 meters high, are located in the village of Tanaghmeilt in the High Atlas, about 150 kilometers northeast of Marrakech. These waterfalls or cascades are the most famous of Morocco and possibly the most impressive in the whole country or even the entire North? Africa. To reach the falls need to go through the charming little village of Ouzoud and descend a flight of stairs until you get to see the falls for the first time. The place is full of souvenir stalls and cafes and the atmosphere is very cozy and pleasant.
You might want to stick even a swim in the river, relax in its banks or simply enjoy the exceptional views. Can reach the waterfalls Ouzoud with your own vehicle or a rented taxi from Marrakech or Beni Mellal. They can also take a bus in Beni Mellal and from there go to Azilal, where you can share a taxi that will take you to Ouzoud. If you are in Marrakech, the best option is to go to Ouzoud with your own vehicle, which can easily rent the Ochre City. To visit these Natural Wonders of Morocco, the best option for accommodation is to stay in Marrakech, easily accessible and with excellent connections. You will find all the information, equipment and advice they need for their adventure picnics. Once in the Ochre City can stay in one of the stunning hotels in Marrakech or in a typical and charming riads of Marrakech. They may also stay in one of the great villas in Marrakech, closer to the natural wonders of this fascinating country.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Tips For Travelers Part 8
If you drink alcohol when traveling by plane, do so in moderation. The decrease of oxygen when flying, intensifies the effects of alcohol in the bloodstream.
In addition to the list of things to bring on a trip, prepare another list of things to do before you leave as your computer off, watering plants, lower water heater temperature, prepare an automatic reply to your e-mails, disconnect the coffee machine, test the security system, etc.. Be sure to include your own tasks.
When traveling try to use and carry washable silk clothing is so warm and fresh as cotton clothes, dries much faster and takes up very little space.
Place a card with your name, address, phone and e-mail, inside his suitcase and handbag. The identification tags or labels that are placed in the luggage off and in case of loss airlines seek some identification within them.
If you go shopping, hiking or take a day tour, bring a small day pack where you can upload: maps and guidebooks, water bottles, sunglasses, a jacket, rain, etc..
An object appreciate on long trips is an inflatable pillow, of which fit the neck, makes me sleep and occupies little space to deflate it. Blinders to avoid clarity and some earplugs to decrease sound complete the kit.
When I go to places where water quality is not reliable, I always have natural bleach in a small dropper bottle (such as eye drops). If necessary, 2 drops per liter and a half hour of rest, drinking more water will.
If traveling with and carry more than one bag, save half of your stuff in your luggage, the other half of his companion, and that this will do the same. If one of your bags is lost, you still have half of their garments.
The River Neckar
The river Neckar is a river in the state of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Born in Schwenningen, very close to the source of the Danube near the Black Forest in the district of Villingen-Schwenningen. After 367 km through the western foothills of the Swabian Jura, flows into the Rhine at the height of Mannheim.
The name comes from-via Nicarus Neckar and Neccarus-NikR from the Celtic word, meaning wild water. From about 1100 the Black Forest wood is down by the waters of the Neckar and the Rhine to its final destination in the Netherlands. In ancient times the transport is carried out gancheros traveling on tree trunks. There is now in river barges.
It crosses several major cities in its course towards the river Rhine: Rottweil, Tübingen (Tübingen), Stuttgart, Heilbronn and Heidelberg.
One of the more traditional tours that can be performed in Germany and one of the most chosen by tourism. Besides knowing the tour will visit the New Castle (Neues Schloss called), the National Gallery of Stuttgart, Mercedes-Benz Museum and the Television Tower.
Along the valley can be found many castles in the Burg Hornberg and Burg Guttenberg Neckarzimmern in Neckarmühlbach. Also, its banks are Obrigheim NPP, which will be dismantled in the coming years. After Heidelberg, the Rhine Neckar download an average of 145 m³ / s of water. This makes the fourth largest tributary Neckar Rhine and the tenth largest river in Germany.
Its main tributaries are the Eyach river, the river Fils, the river Rems, Enz river, the river Kocher, and before it flows into the Rhine, the river Jagst.
From Stuttgart is navigable, the first of the locks is located in Bad Cannstatt.
Summer Vacation 2011: Early Trends
1. Destinations for Summer 2011 (by number of searches for 01/07/11 to 31/08/11 outputs)
At the end of the first quarter of 2011, the Spanish have preferred by 40% (depending on the number of searches) long-haul flights for summer.
Airline tickets
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The Secrets of Menorca, The History of an Island
Only 35 minute flight separates the cities of Barcelona and Menorca. Nothing is practically fit in the chair and in a blink of an eye we will enjoy a place that is all about fun, and incredibly combines nature, sun, sea and history, forming the peculiar idiosyncrasy of this Mediterranean island. Fortunately, there are plenty of flights and car rental deals Menorca, allowing breaks combine a couple of days to cut a little with the daily routine and clear the mind and soul.
The city of Menorca is fascinating. It is indeed a strange combination of styles, cultures and personalities that come together beautifully to make this island we know today. Menorca has everything: small streets near the port to walk, places to stop for a drink or eat, and the possibility of taking a ferry that will cross this sea clear blue to take some of the many beaches that this archipelago has in store.
As for the hotel in Menorca, there is everything for everyone. From five star hotels, spas pamper yourself a little, small departments or remote rural properties in the city center. The island offers an amazing variety, both in performance and price. Definitely, those who enjoy the blue sea looking for accommodation near the beaches as Grau Des Binibeca, but never miss that adventurous to seek a call at some remote and solitary beach.
Upon landing on the island is worth booking a car hire Menorca airport to tour the prehistoric vital area such as Des Tudons Naveta, considered the oldest building in all Europcar and one of the most touristic places of Menorca. Or the prehistoric settlements of Torre d'en Galmés and Torralba d'en Salord, where, in the latter, the most important taula the island of Menorca.
The best way to approach this area of the city is with a predisposition to enjoy long walks on foot and with shoes and comfortable clothes to enjoy the many historical evidence that the rich history of Menorca has saved.
Cheap airline tickets to visit Argentina
Argentina is a country very interesting to hear Surdesde North and its mountains, hills, rivers, seas to know the customs and traditions of each place.
Building on the Cheap airline tickets can enjoy the exciting city of Buenos Aires, Cordoba bathe in rivers and drinking the finest wines of Mendoza and San Juan
Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina. It is the city par excellence if you are looking entertainment and cultural movement, as it is one of the most diverse cities and nightlife of the world.
Besides its historical monument, the Obelisk, one of the things that characterizes Buenos Aires are bars dating from the past, full of history and Tango. Among them are the "Café Tortoni" as a tourist spot.
To dance and tango lessons is highly recommended San Telmo neighborhood, where you can find several shows including milongas.
Other neighborhoods that can not be missed are Palermo, Recoleta, Puerto Madero, highly recommended culinary matters and La Boca, famous for its quaint houses and Caminito street the visually charming, inspiring one of the most famous tangos.
With low fares airline can meet this huge city filled with history and culture.
For lovers of the mountains, Argentina offers a wide variety of places. These are mainly in the province of Cordoba, where you can do all sorts of adventure tourism.
Cordoba also offers us highly profitable rivers when the weather is warm, because of the many spas that have places like Villa Carlos Paz, Mina Clavero and San Marcos Sierra and others.
Mendoza and San Juan
In Mendoza we have mainly the imposing Andes Mountains, where you can hike and the most daring can enjoy sporting activities.
This province also has a monument to Christ the Redeemer, the Puente del Inca, as prominent tourist attractions and the upscale ski resort "Las Lenas' busy winter season each year.
San Juan offers the breathtaking Valley of the Moon and also with one of Mendoza wines richest in the world.
Whatever the desired destination for vacations or even if it's a business trip, you can get the best price and best quality sevice getting cheap airline tickets
Chicago: winds of change and modernity
Power is like the Illinois Indians called this city and it seems that over the years, Chicago has lived up to its name. City skyscrapers infinite, not in vain has the highest U.S., rose from the ashes of the great fire of 1871 that devastated 17,000 buildings and more than 6.5 miles of the metropolis. Therefore, one of its main attractions is the currency with which the early SXX rebuilt. Parks, endless beaches, a lake with an area of more than 58,000 km ² and the Chicago River from which you can take a tour of the city are some of the attractions.
Known as the Windy City or the second city, has been renamed the city of Obama. And, it has become part of the history of the country where he began his career being the first black U.S. president. This is not accidental and that is that Chicago has been an important center for the organization of the black community.
But interest in this city is due to marketing because Chicago has a very different range of options to offer. With a continental climate, the best time to visit is summer, and which concentrate a large number of festivals and celebrations, also enjoy the many beaches that is Lake Michigan.
The accommodation is not a problem because there are a number of hostels in Chicago with every comfort at prices ranging from 11 euros to 25 in a single room.
This great metropolis with nearly 3 million people has been opened throughout its history to the different cultures that came to stay at a place full of opportunities. Therefore, as has the Mexican barrio neighborhoods known as Little Village on 18th Street, or the classic Chinatown that houses many shops and restaurants in Little Italy or China Tylor Street with numerous restaurants and bars. They also highlight the Greektown for its wonderful food. As a plush neighborhoods include the Gold Coast to find in the Victorian mansions built by industry leaders and the Lincoln Square, home to the German community, famous for being famous in front of Lincoln Park. The tour through the neighborhoods can be done affordably by bus for half a day.
To visit the central charge can be obtained from the Chicago greeters. These trips are made on foot or by public transport, will last two to four hours. This is a service offered by guides who know perfectly every corner of the city's history and can be booked online in the language you need.
Another trip recommended to see Chicago from another perspective, which is along the river since from it you can see many of the buildings of the city skyline.
Another area you need to know is the Magnificent Mile, River North Chicago. It became the best known shopping district following the opening of the Michigan Avenue bridge of the same name. A boulevard full of shops, and historic skyscrapers that form an essential part of the history of the metropolis.
Behind the Fourth Prebysterian Church, Gothic style, are two of the landmarks that survived the Great Fire, the Water Tower and Pumping Station.
In the south of the avenue is the Tribune Tower, home of the Chicago Tribune, which incorporates in its exterior rock fragments from historical places like the Vatican in Rome, the Forbidden City of Beijing or even lunar rock.
But if you want to see this avenue as a true Chicagoan have to get to the floor of the John Hancock Center 94 conoisdo by locals as the big John from which it has a perspective on the famous Avenue from 344 feet.
Another area is emblematic Loop, 2.5 miles from business and cultural center where the Federal Reserve, the Chicago Board of Trade or the Theater Distric, contrasting with the Millennium Park.
Chicago is a city architecturally rich because after the fire became a place where national and international architects put their two cents. Undoubtedly, the landmark of the city for being the highest in the U.S. and the fourth highest in the world is the Sears Tower. Built in 1974, has 108 floors and 442 meters. Unlike others, from there you can see three states and the Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan and Indiana.
Cradle of Jazz and Blues a great choice for dinner and enjoy live music is going to one of the oldest clubs in the city and soak up the culture.
The food is not a problem if you know how to choose since the prices are high. The alternative is to choose restaurants that are not tourist and sharing dishes in the U.S. since the portions are plentiful. With over 7,000 restaurants can choose from a wide range but you can not go without trying the classic deep dish pizza, which is thicker than normal and incorporates the ingredients inside.
In summer you can go to the beaches of Lake Michigan and one on North Avenue can be found on a boat deck where you can listen to music outdoors while enjoying a good cocktail or playing volleyball ball. Or you can go to the Plaza Mayor in the cultural celebrations that take place in different countries every day.
Culture is one of the strengths of the Windy City so that museums, exhibitions and live music are another part of the appeal of Chicago. But if you want to combine both arts can go on Friday at the Museum of Modern Art since parties are held in the evening with a DJ and as modern society.
By Andrea Sanz
Colonia del Sacramento is also Jewish. Contributions to the study of history
The historical process of Colonia del Sacramento, is a puzzle with thousands of pieces, which, who wants to build it and develop it, find hundreds of texts, and foreign national libraries around the world. Millions of documents, also in historical archives of both America and Europe. Some dozens of old maps and plans, in addition, at least in my case, only a few external image, its Portuguese colonial mighty wall. Not too pretentious engravings of 1763 approximately.
The rest are partial views and interpretations as Malaespina traveler on his journey around the world in the middle of the eighteenth century.
No, there is a particular image or actual final itself.
The same is with its history.
Like everything in life, most of these texts are partial. Subjective in terms of space-time, opinions and points of view. No mention of the capital of a country.
Not interested in showing the true impulse genesis and civilizing influence of a city contrary to prevailing culture afterwards.
Colonia del Sacramento internationalized arguably the River Plate.
And he repeated insistently, in the vast majority of known texts, a series of stories and details diplomats or military, when trade is prompting the largest gatherings and differences between the powers involved.
After searching, reading and trying to understand for years at a large number of essential authors, both domestic and foreign, who wrote the history of Colonia del Sacramento, I came to realize, from what it was that I needed to complete the puzzle so well presented.
Why they did not know, could not or simply did not want to show that reality?
A totally different reality, much more grand and important to the widespread so far.
That piece, I had constantly before me and I could not see it. He was hidden in a high percentage of texts and documents reviewed.
To be recurrent, but always in passing name or position, of course, as with guilt or wanting to avoid naming it, discuss it with special friends for months. With other for years.
And in all cases reach the same conclusion: The forces acting or participants were more than he originally thought. And in some particular cases, were much more important are the revelations that are not seen and written to date.
The presence of Portuguese Sephardic Jews, Dutch, Flemish and French until it was overwhelming.
Hidden too notorious to continue longer.
This was accompanied by interviews, reports, guided walks, coffee chats, calls, email exchanges with researchers and historians, most notably Eduardo Bueno and Fabricio Prado of Brazil, Natalio Botana, Omar Antonio Dalmasso and Mark Aguina of Argentina, Fernando Assuncao, Juan Antonio Varese, Adolfo Kunsch, Rolf Blix Nussbaun and Uruguay Diego, featuring my great friends, associates Frau tireless Omar Gonzalez, Jorge Fernandez, Ruben Collado, the three Argentines, Colonia del Sacramento lovers without forgetting many other impossible to appoint directly or indirectly guided me in the search.
Once you have found that key, fully realized that it was not the only one missing, they were many. As many as the points of view from which she was observed to Colonia del Sacramento.
And I'm not discouraged.
On the contrary, it gave me more strength and joy.
Maybe (more than insurance), many people continue to seek and investigate clues in this universe of libraries, archives and private collections.
Why at that time (1680) decided to found the city? In 1668, Portugal abandoned the Spanish rule after nearly 70 years under the rule of Felipe II, III and IV. I found an important clue to reading and analyzing Mario Javier Saban, in "The Marranos and the economy of the Rio de la Plata? of 1993. The Portuguese Sephardic leave Buenos Aires in the presence of the Inquisition in the city happened in 1679. Who promoted the idea of foundation? A few years ago in Europe, the Netherlands, became independent of Spain. The "Dutch? invade Brazil and its withdrawal or expulsion coincided with these European independence, both in Portugal and the Netherlands, both of Spain. Is it coincidence that the founder of Colonia del Sacramento and one of the most important followers were Knight of Christ? Qualifications of the Prince Regent and then being brave King Portuguese Lusitanian independence fighters. Remember the link with the ancient Templars refugees in Portugal after the persecutions in Europe by the Catholic Church. How did you become a real headache for the two most important empires on the planet at the time? Portugal allied with England and Holland and Spain faced alternating French ally.
Each with its political, military and economic.
In the case of Portugal developed all the cunning and diplomatic intelligence, holding unconditionally and allowing England with Company Dutch West Indies, created, funded and directed by Sephardic Portuguese trade as to taste as if they were our own colonies.
For Spain, stubbornly seeking riches metal (gold and silver) American business trying to impose a monopoly that would result in taxes to the Crown, prohibiting districts seeking to exchange goods and unnecessarily prevent smuggling, with the aggravating circumstance that at all times had to defend military and diplomatic agree to defend his empire threatened.
Hispanic and in his face where it hurt, in the Rio de la Plata, and out into the Atlantic Ocean, Portugal appealed to the rulers, merchants, military and religious Buenos Aires and its surrounding provinces partners with immense riches, impossible to ensure their compliance with Spanish law.
Trade established in Colonia del Sacramento, which aims to present as minor contraband, for 80 or 90 years was funded not only from Lisbon or Porto, also associated large capital? Amsterdam, London and Paris, which in time were associated with large companies on the African coast, Goa in India, Calcutta and to Nagasaki in Japan.
One of the fundamental keys to understanding the history of Colonia del Sacramento gave me Prof. Raul Rossello in 1999. Thank you.
He must visualize the dynamics of historical events since 1492 without forgetting, (opposite) to the second-order intentional actors in the great stage. In the Great Story.
Were those really the Portuguese wanted, planned and completed building the new factory?
If the basic factors of discovery, conquest and European colonization of our continent were primarily economic, imperial territorial expansion and ultimately a religious character, why should I change in our case? Or perhaps there were other factors more important to Europeans than that?
We have always referred to Colonia del Sacramento as a city "Portuguese?. And it's true.
But there is a very important added value and impossible to ignore. Who were these Portuguese?
Jews from Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands with links to France, England, Italy, Turkey and northern? Africa that maintaining family ties and economic develop their businesses in the area.
In the ongoing historical research we discovered that dozens of these, and is from the very beginning of the new colony, their origin, their culture, their economic interests are directly and very strongly with the Portuguese Jewish community - Dutch emigrated (deported) of Spain and Portugal in 1492 a few years later (1497) with bases in? Amsterdam, but also with Antwerp, Flanders, Avignon, London, Venice, the Mediterranean coast of Morocco and many other items dedicated to African and Asian trade.
Based on the thousands of documents, now impossible to hide or ignore, the trade to and from the Rio de la Plata in the late sixteenth century, all the S. XVII and S. XVIII is where I found the tracks.
You can imagine how rich and wonderful it must have been primarily in Colonia del Sacramento S. XVIII.
The best example is demonstrated when performing their first 70 years (1680 - 1750), it intends to redeem, precisely in 1750, throughout the territory of the seven villages of the Jesuit Missions Eastern.
At that time, a Papal Bull, a Royal Instruction, two Treaties of Peace, an Armistice, a Collateral Pact and several international trade agreements directly involve which seeks to present as a village outsider Spanish and Portuguese territories "cave ? or "nest? lusos smugglers, English and Dutch.
In 1678, the Bull Romanus Pontifex of Innocent XI, Instructions with 36 art. D. Regent of Portugal Pedro D. Manoel Lobo for the founding of the city, Provisional Treaty of Lisbon, 1681, Treaty of Alliance and Guarantee between Portugal and France in 1696, Treaty of Alphonsa (1701) Peace, Commerce and Friendship signed by Bourbon monarch Philip V again. In 1703, pressured Portugal to England signed the Grand Alliance with Holland, Austria, Prussia, Hanover, the Holy Roman Empire and England signed with Metheum Treaty.
During the War of Succession of the Crown of Spain, Queen Anne of England signed the Pact of 1712 Collateral, delivery commitment to Portugal in Cologne. When the war ended by the Peace of Utrecht, Utrecht agreements, Rastadt and Baden, 1713 and 1715 it is returned to the Lusitanian. In 1737 the Armistice was signed the Peace of Paris, ending a two-year military siege to the citadel. On January 12, 1750 Treaty was signed in Madrid Swap.
If we add that there are several cities that Colonia del Sacramento due to the reasons for their respective foundations.
Laguna, Viamão, Rio Grande de San Pedro do Sul in Brazil.
Montevideo, Rosario, Real de San Carlos, San Carlos de Maldonado, Uruguay Jump over the fortress of Santa Teresa and San Miguel fort in the east.
And we can not forget, development in all spheres, economic, political and military de Buenos Aires, which are indisputable result of the push and influence of the disputed citadel.
All this in its first 70 years. In the years following 1750 to 1851 about the historical development of our city is a continuous back and forth between Portuguese possessions or occupations, Spanish, English, Argentine, Brazilian and even the famous Jose Garibaldi.
The Iberian Peninsula, home of sefaradismo flourishing in the Middle Ages, became a land of rising anti-Jewish or anti-Semitic persecution from the late fourteenth century. In Spain, the persecution of the Jews resulted in mass conversions and consequently in the formation of a large community of converts, almost exclusive target of the Inquisition established by the Catholic Monarchs in 1478.
In Portugal, where hitherto there had been no persecution of Jews, the arrival of thousands of them Spanish made the king D. Manuel's famous decree forced conversion in 1496, just as he did Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile years earlier. His successor, King D. John II, accounted for the establishment of the Inquisition, in 1536.
Successive waves of persecution against the Jews are either against the conversos or New Christians, made the flight an increasingly popular option chosen by individuals or families who remained faithful to their traditional religion or at least trying to escape the Inquisition . Escape routes were then structured into two main geographical areas: the Mediterranean world and northern Europe.
In the Mediterranean, mention the slow but steady emergence of Jewish communities in Morocco, the Ottoman Empire in Italy, in cities like Livorno and Venice. In northern Europe, micro Sephardic communities were structured in France, where Judaism was also banned in public, but tolerated in practice, as in Bordeaux, or permitted by law, and in Avignon. Case studies of inquisitorial documents allow to monitor the migration of Portuguese conversos through Spain, calling at Medina de Rio Seco, south of France, where he returned to the Judaism of their ancestors. The French cities and towns were often places of passage to Antwerp, which became an important center of the Sephardic Jews emigrated in the sixteenth century, and for? Amsterdam and Hamburg the next century. It is certain that the escape routes of the Sephardim in Europe followed the logic of the expansion of merchant capital, as many historians tell us, from Fernand Braudel.
On August 4, 1578 was fought the battle of Alcazarquivir, near Fez, in North? Africa.
Also known as the Battle of the Three Kings, because that Sebastian of Portugal died and al-Sultans Moulay Abd el-Mutawajil and Mlikh.
It is not Portuguese family who had no Alcazarquivir dead. They also fought and died Spanish, German and French.
Sebastian, 24, had crossed the Straits of Gibraltar with 16,000 men of the elite of the army and nobility of Portugal, to assist in Mutawajil claim to the throne of Morocco against Mlikh and protect the Sephardic Portuguese refused to forced conversion of 1497 in Lisbon and had migrated to Morocco after the persecution and massacre of 1506.
Mutawajil intended to stay a part of the kingdom and Abd al-Maghrebi Mlikh had promised to kill all the Jews of Morocco if he won the fight.
To clear away dust and silence the screams and sounds of the battle, the Moroccan Jews still celebrate his good fortune.
But the most interesting consequence of the battle of Alcazarquivir was the union of the kingdoms of Spain and Portugal. Philip II, who was the uncle of Sebastian and grandson of Manuel II of Portugal, took the throne vacant and no heirs to claim their rights and sent to Lisbon to the Duke of Alba with enough troops to secure the succession.
It was thus that, from 1580 to 1640, Spain and Portugal were a single kingdom, as he likes to Saramago.
And America was also one because during those years was erased line with the Treaty of Tordesillas.
Everything was Iberia, from the Pyrenees to Lisbon and from Oregon to Tierra del Fuego. Up the Amazon and the Land of Cinnamon, the indomitable New Andalusia, Francisco de Orellana first tried to conquer Quito and then from the Atlantic.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Tips to Make Divorce a little easier
Even if it is difficult, the decision to divorce can be accepted and carried out by a childless couple, however, everything becomes more complicated when you have children at home, since for them can be very sad to accept, because they do not understand the reasons why their parents do not want to be together.
We offer these tips in order to make divorce more bearable for children:
Do not speak ill of your father or mother. They should never speak ill hear from the other parent, whether well or badly behaved. As children, we hear criticism hurt on one of the people we love most. Value judgments of children are still very basic and do not understand the reasons of the quarrel between their parents. Control your anger for the sake of your children.
Keep consistency in rules and routines. Probably when the parents divorce, children begin to spend some days with his mother and others in his father's house.
The best way to help them adapt to respect the same routines and rules in both houses (meal times, play, study, education, etc.).. Otherwise, children will become confused between what is good and what is bad. It is very important that parents agree on all that apply to children.
Share children's birthday with your ex partner. Several couples get a divorce because they have come to hate. For example, when the birthday of children, it is recommended that both parents are present but do not want to be in the same place. Children are happy and feel special on that date, because the people they love will be with ellos.No compete with his father / mother. Children love equally to both parents and that if one day said he wants to go home from your ex, not worth putting celoso.Permite to express their emotions. Divorce of parents is not easy to accept for the children, so they should be allowed to process everything that happens in due time and way. Let them talk and express themselves, but not so agresiva.Explícales that is not their fault. Commonly, children think they are to blame their parents' divorce. It is essential to talk with them and explained clearly the reasons why their parents are no longer together. It would be a big mistake that you love ignoraras.Diles. Never forget to remind them how much you love them, because in the midst of a complex situation such as divorce will be a great relief to know that your mom and dad love him no matter what pase.Ejemplifica with other divorced couples.
You can talk of divorce on your children's friends, this will help extraños.Piensa not feel that if you accompany your children at every stage of divorce proceedings, no doubt everything will be more bearable for you and your former partner .
With information from: bellezaslatinas.com
Ozone Gas
Ozone is a gas with a high oxidizing power whose molecule consists of three oxygen atoms with a triangular geometry. The ozone molecule is formed by the dissociation of two atoms that make up the molecule of oxygen gas. The released oxygen atoms bind to other molecules of oxygen (O2), forming ozone molecules (O3).
The natural state of ozone is a gas and is in very small amounts in the air we breathe in an approximate concentration of 20 parts per billion (ppb) in summer and can go up to 100 ppb.
In normal ambient ozone acre has some color but is usually colorless, but in high concentrations color becomes slightly blue.
Ozone is an allotropic form of oxygen, as demonstrated by J. L. Soret in 1863, that the liquefied form a dark blue liquid. From the chemical point of view, ozone is very reactive, emphasizing its strong oxidizing power.
Ozone decomposes rapidly in the presence of oxygen when the temperature exceeds 100 ° C. To decompose ozone at room temperature catalysts are used.
Ozone can be generated artificially by ozone generators.
Although its main property is its high oxidizing power, ozone is best known for his role in the atmosphere. Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation in the wavelength difficult life on earth. These radiations affect the immune system of living beings, promoting respiratory diseases, and produce genetic mutations in DNA lead to skin cancer, melanoma of skin, cataracts and other conditions and reduce the photosynthesis process of plants .
Ozone helps to preserve life by absorbing ultraviolet radiation harmful to the health of living things and helping to maintain the heat balance of the atmosphere.
Ozone has application in the synthesis of organic compounds, especially given its high oxidizing power, ozone is used in sewage treatment plants and swimming pools as a disinfectant and germicide.
For our partner ceases to be Perfect With Time
No doubt in love is a feeling like no other. Everything around us is wonderful, our partner is perfect and we are elated but what happens when time passes and that feeling disappears and is no longer so perfect that person.
Some time ago a friend gave me a book "Love with your eyes open" by Jorge Bucay (doctor, psychotherapist and author of several successful works) which I found quite interesting. Here through a story and his partner Jorge Bucay Silvia Salinas made a reflection on the sense of being a couple and the true meaning of love.
The conclusion reached is that we all need to create us a mask to protect us from the outside world, to hide our weaknesses and thus be accepted and loved by others. But at the same time also hide our true selves and have just identified with that mask we create.
What happens when we fall in love? As we are liberated unconsciously that shield or coat and showed us just as we are facing each other, this causes the feeling of exhilaration and liberation. But the time for fear of being rejected by the other person does not say what we really think or act like we would really create that shell again. All this becomes frustration and reflect on our partner thinking it's the other part that is closed in the relationship.
Interestingly, it is studied, that when we do this "move" the problem the other person see that away from us (no more than a projection of how we move ourselves), then we also put through land .
For example, a woman who is afraid of being abandoned, every time you feel that your partner is away a little reproaches, saying, See how I do not want, you always leave me alone?. If at that time was taking a little distance on a temporary basis, making these accusations is that it reinforces that attitude he took at the time, is overwhelmed and eventually leave.
Simple as that to end it always happens the same and that neurosis is always ends with the abandonment confirmed.
People shape their relations with an idea of what will happen and behave as if this was really happening until they get it to happen.
It is true that a couple has to agree on everything to be compatible, simply to show no fear as you are, accept as your partner and not try to change for change that maybe if you do not like to like to stop the all.
In short, the acceptance of the couple that makes us free and happy at the same time.
Article prepared by the team http://www.citaunica.com
Divorce Tips For Premarital Agreement
Most people think that the absence of a prenuptial agreement means that when the divorce comes lose the opportunity to reach a settlement with your spouse about a variety of marital problems. This is a mistake. A divorce prenuptial agreement is an agreement that is held by both parties before marriage.
If you want to assemble a divorce settlement, the following five lessons to help you improve the chances that your contract is valid and enforceable.
What is the "end game"?
The lesson here is, before preparing a divorce settlement, a person must ask themselves: What is the end game? What do you really want to achieve with the agreement? Where will you be living in the near future? You have to focus on the final game to help determine a divorce settlement.
What is the intent of your agreement after marriage?
This is an important lesson that clearly and consistently suggests the expression of your intentions to change the character of property in the divorce settlement. Your goals should be clear and easily understood by your spouse. In short, make sure you and your spouse are on the same page, so it will be easier the process of divorce.
Each spouse should hire an independent lawyer
The lesson is to retain a divorce lawyer you know you will defend your interests exclusively. Do not run the risk of not having your interests fully protected by "sharing" a lawyer with your spouse.
Ask your attorney tough questions
By hiring a divorce lawyer, do not be afraid to ask the difficult, for example: How are the divorce settlements? Do you know of family law in my jurisdiction? My goal is possible under the law?
A multitude of family law issues at play in the preparation of a divorce settlement.
It is worth ensuring that your divorce lawyer has the knowledge and experience to handle a divorce settlement.
Minimize the number of original agreements
Try to minimize the number of originals of the divorce settlement and try to have a divorce lawyer to decide how they will use the originals. It also determines who will be responsible for maintenance and has a valid reason for it.
Tera Guarani (Guarani Names)
TERA Guara? (NAMES GUARANI) By David Galeano Olivera (*) With the unexpected controversy surrounding these days about a Paraguayan family, living in Argentina, which decided to appoint a daughter in Guarani and ignorance of the Argentine authorities and their own Paraguayan Embassy Guarani names which could be applied to a child and what could be "immoral? because of its significance, I can list several names-very beautiful and expressive, that henceforth serve as a reference for parents who want to name their sons and daughters in Guarani. They are as pretty or prettier than Peter (stone), Paloma, Jasmine Sky, Cruz, Alma, Sol, Luna, Victoria, Rocío; Axel, Giancarlo, Alexander, Johnny, Napoleon, etc.. It is assumed that because it is a wise society, dignified and respectful, as is the Society Guarani-these names does not imply or refer to matters immoral, dangerous or degrading treatment, on the contrary, the names reflect the deep Guarani sensitive understanding of the nature and the Guarani life and have always had. In recent times, many families have opted to appoint Guarani their sons and daughters.
Recently, we received orders Guarani names of friends Venezuelan, Spanish, Italian, Uruguayan, American and other nationalities. In fact, the official language of the Guarani-Mercosur together with Castilian and Portuguese-offers, like all languages, a variety of names for boys and girls. On the other hand, almost 8.000.000 inhabitants of Paraguay, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil and Uruguay are Guarani-speaking and have every right in the world of naming their offspring with beautiful and nice names Guarani. Needless to say, we Guarani teachers for some time accustomed to Guarani naming our sons and daughters. Therefore, at present, the Guarani people nomination is not a rare or isolated, on the contrary, this practice became common and very positive, because it allows deep features to keep alive the Guarani identity.
Then, and as we expand the list, we provide some names Guarani: 1) KUNA RERA (WOMEN'S NAMES) - Amambay: fern - Anai: small family, a relative small -? Earth & Sky - time - Arami: piece of heaven - Cielito - Arapy: universe - Arasy: mother of the universe (Tupa's wife in the mythology of Narciso R. Colman) - Aras: west - east - Jasuka: sacred raw material, generating all the beings of nature - Jasy: moon - Jeruti: pigeon - Kerana: Goddess of sleep - Ko'êtî: beginning of dawn (after ko'ê) - Ko'êju: dawn (after ko'êtî) - Kurusu: cross - Mainumby: hummingbird (the maino'i is the first mythical being in the worldview Guarani) - Mimbi: bright, shiny - Mbyja: star - Mbyja Ko'ê: Morning Star - Venus - Mburukuja: Passiflora - Paraguay's national flower - Pakuri: plant and wild fruit - Panambi: butterfly - Porâsy: the goddess of beauty (Yrasêma sister) - Pykasu: pigeon - Sypavê: first woman - the common mother of all humans (Rupavê partner in Guarani mythology of Narcissus R. Colman) - Takua Poty: takuara flower - the Guarani have your age and each bloom Takuya, occurring every 30 years, according to Moses Bertoni.
- Takuapu: takuara sound - the Taku is the sacred musical instrument identifies the woman - Tajy Poty: lapacho flower - Yrasêma: Breath of water (Porâsy sister) - Ysapy: mist - Ysapy Ko'ê: mist Dawn - Ysapy Ko'êju: mist of the first sunlight - Ysyry: water flowing - Yvága: Christian Heaven (abode of God, saints, angels, etc) - Yvera: water glittering - Yvoty: flower 2) KUIMBA'E RERA (male name) - Angatupyry: the spirit of goodness - Apytere: the essential, core, the core of something - Arandu: wise - Arapysandu: The sensor of the universe, you feel things in the universe - Araresa: eye of the universe - Amaru, father of the rain - Amapytu: the spirit of the rain - Amangy: drizzle - Aravera: lightning - Arasunu: thunder - Aratiri: ray - Chavuku: man reincarnated as a tiger - Jakaira: name of one of the Gods Guarani (Ñamandu brother, Karai and Tupa) - Jara tutelary genius applied to each natural element (jarýi) - Karai: name of one of the Gods Guarani (Ñamandu brother, Tupa and Jakaira) - Katupyry: clever, capable - Kuarahy: Sun - Kuarahyresê: the sun, the sun of new day - Maitei: expression of joy and satisfaction - Marangatu: saint - Mba'evera: to be bright - Mba'ehory: be cheerful, happy - Mbarakapu: the sound of the rattle - rattle is the sacred instrument that identifies the man - Ñamandu: name of one of the Gods Guarani (brother of Karai, Tupa and Jakaira) - Rupavê: first man - the common father of all men (Sypavê partner in Guarani mythology of Narcissus R.
Colman) - Tajy: lapacho - Tatarendy: flame of fire - Tatajyva: fire arm - Tatapytu: the spirit of fire - Tekokatu: being full, the full - Tupa Ñembo'agueravyju: chosen by God - Tuvicha: large - Ygary: cedar
Construction of democratic practice in a school in Mexico City. Case Study. Author: Silvia Flores Conde
I will start with an assumption that says the following, the teachers live in a utopia seeks to educate on human rights and democracy, but the reality is we live in schools an environment of constant repression, caused by power roles exercised by members of the school community, administrators, teachers, support workers to education and the students themselves.
The research work performed in 1995 Silvia Conde sui generis in a school for its philosophy and its source, provides us with interesting data from an eclectic view, taking into account different points of view.
We live in a country that appears to be a social democracy with different political changes in the alternation of power in the PRI to PAN government, public authorities elected representation through voting and sometimes fraudulent elections, supposedly this is the result of desire subjects in schools be democratic, living in schools and in society a genuine citizen participation in power hegemony and internationally as a country we have built-in development process of globalization that has nothing to democracy.
In the first two chapters of his thesis Silvia Conde, discusses the theoretical aspects of political democracy and methodological aspects of education for democracy and human rights, so that the school is regarded as key to transforming society, and secondly it is conceived as an institution that reproduces the practices of domination, in which teachers exercise their power over the student leaving without participation in the process of dialogue and democratic convergence.
So schools are in decline, far from being democratic spaces, the roles of power are governed by the dominant culture of society, the media caused a phenomenon of alienation in teachers and students; interfering with the conditions of possibility for democratic education.
Methods to learn English
The classical methods to learn English have always had a very noticeable flaw before, now and then, and is taking a long time to become a good English speaking students. These methods of learning English are taught in traditional language schools and institutes have reached the level of creating frustration in many students who have not achieved their objectives, if not rather have had negative results.
Everywhere in the world that aims to teach English, English classes are held from 6 years and older (on average), within the school. Is not it amazing that once they have finished school, students after almost 10 years to receive English lessons, 90% did not know any English, and the rest will forget what little they had assimilated?
This is because the methods to learn English is traditionally taught in schools, good for nothing, you should not take so long to teach a language. In fact, speaking English is easy, and when using a good method, it only takes a few weeks to speak it fluently. The secret to success is one of the methods to learn English to choose. English is the easiest language to learn compared with other
The estrucutra English grammar is very simple compared to otr5as languages, as some European and even the Castilian, the problem is that the methodology we have used throughout life to teach English, has been a complete disaster. A clear example of what I say is when you conjugate a verb in English, and compared with the same verb in Castilian:
Ahem, verb jump, jump is English. Prefixed to conjugate only a pronoun you people: I jump, you jump, I jumps. While in Castilian should I change the final letter, I jump, you jump, jump, in English only need to add the "s" when using certain pronouns. Castilian is unclear in at least 4 times more complicated than English.
The traditional method of learning English are just looking to extend the time for student learning, to meet a multi-year curricula or to get more money to students (this in the case of language institutes). One way to realize that English is easier than the Castilian, is to see the absence of gender, there is no male and female in the prayers, while in Castilian, and this leads to the creation of a new sentence basis of gender, English does not exist. Because it's simple.
Capture many words for a vocabulary quite gifted, comprehensive and up is exquisite as the methods to learn English so they sell their work. In fact it is necessary to handle vocabulary, but not the right way to start the study, it is best to start learning phrases and sentences previously conjugated to learn individual words. The good news is that today, with the advancement of communications, known methods to learn English, much more effective than traditional ones. It is for example the one I want to present, based on the way children learn their first language, this method will be speaking English in a few weeks.
I leave a very interesting article where you can find a secret to learning to speak English in a matter of weeks.
I leave the link here so they can visit the page
Woman Pursues Commitment, As men sex
Until now the general perception is that men are responsible for most problems in relationships. We see it as a theme in books, movies, theater and TV series, not to say that women are not willing to take responsibility. We often hear the woman blamed for giving too much love or love too much (there's even a book with this title: "Women Who Love Too Much").
The funny thing is that women tend to give too much love or love too much when you are involved with a man who shows little interest. Are women still love men because their nature is giving, nurturing and consent? Or rather, the women love challenges? If you're male and you're reading this means that it is the latter and if you're a woman, you know it the second.
Women's commitment to pursue the same way men have always pursued sex. Too often men lose interest in women once put to bed. Asimiso, women often lose interest once they make the man agrees with them - that's the reality, but certainly not the perception most people on women (including women themselves). Why? Because it does not fit the stereotype that "men are bad and women are good" that we have used both. The world is not ready to assume it is not necessarily so.
Women who say they love too much are the equivalent of men say or do anything just to get a woman to bed. These women will do and endure almost anything to achieve his goal - get a man to commit to them. But ... once you succeed, usually get bored and have a lot of resentment towards him for what they endured as long to achieve your goal. Eventually, after finding a reason to blame the man for his unhappiness, move to their next conquest. This is the game of compromise, female version of her lie down and discarded.
Interestingly, it was discovered that hundreds of women ended their relationship after reading the book "What's wrong with men?" (He's Just Not That Into You) or see the film because they realized that it was impossible to rationalize the behavior of their boyfriends / husbands, and once you read the book or seen the movie, the woman and had nothing left to look at or talk to her friends no longer need to guess what they were thinking about their boyfriends, or had reason to spend hours wondering where their relationship was going. The need to talk and discuss, hoping and wishing he had removed.
How? It turns out that these women, before reading the book, thought that his men were complicated and mysterious, in other words a challenge, and what they discovered is that the conduct of his men is fully identifiable and predictable. Do not lose sight or overlook what happened: male behavior and thus the men were no longer mysterious. As a result many women decided to end their relationship. Not due to the way they were treated, if it did they would have done before the book / movie. Ie ended their relationship for the same reason as always: Their boyfriends are boring, predictable.
Little is said and little is known about the fact that it is women and not the man who tends to finish most of the relationships. And yes, I understand that readers preconditioned or closed-minded thinking that women are not end their relationship but for the misconduct of the man. This is not necessarily true, the distance is one of the most common reasons according to investigations and surveys of women who end up or want to end their relationship: "My husband / boyfriend bores me."
With this in mind, we must ask why the man is always labeled as "bad" and guilty. The answer is simple:
As a society we keep women's bad behavior in secret many women buy more books than men.
It is assumed that these books on the couple and the man's behavior or differences between men and women as "Women are from Venus and Men are from Mars" are made to empower women. However, I think the opposite happens. We can not become more powerful if we dedicate ourselves to feed our ego compensating for past oppression. Women will be much more powerful when they take responsibility for our dark side and our own behavior and the damage it causes around us. Of course, this type of information is much more difficult to digest for women because it involves taking responsibility and stop being "good." For the same reason books with these data would not be very popular among women.
In our culture, man has been reduced to their animal nature, while women still separates him from his own. The devil and the angel, to put it in some way, living within every man and women are not in any way excluded from this fact of human nature.
At some point in history, many societies assigned acceptable behaviors and characteristics for each of the sexes. And to this day we are inundated with media exaggerated and fictitious images regarding male and female behavior. The woman as man has been sliced in half, only allowed to own part of who he is.
If women really can achieve equality with men and stop being their own oppressors, we must recognize and assume responsibility for the disrespectful manner in which often treat men. The reality is that women are the victims as often as we are the villains. Recognize and admit this fact is the only way in which women will be complete.
This process requires us to ask things like:
A few men have rejected? How many times have I returned the call to a man? Many times have I lied to a man? How many times have I been unfaithful? Many times I have given wings to someone knowing it will not happen at all? I have used many times a man for his money? I've used many times a man to give me attention? I've used many times a man just for sex?
The reality is that many women do all that and more. And the worst is that they do to men who really want them and treat them well. Unfortunately, good men are seen as willing - willing to compromise, is what leguaje male would be a "stick easy" or "acostón safe." Women do not need to read a book with the perspective of a man to understand the effect of male behavior, all we need do is ask why some men treat the same way that we complain when we are so treated us . And of course the answer is: Because that man does not interest me much.
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Currency Its Origin And Use Through History
Currency is defined as a piece of gold, silver, copper or other metal, usually in a disk and stamped with the bust of the sovereign, or government seal, which has the right to manufacture, and that its effective value, or by conventional attributed, sieve half the price of common things and to facilitate change.
The voice comes from the Latin verb coin "Moneo" which means to warn or admonish, because the currency notes the value and the amount of things you can buy with it. Other authors coin the word, make it come from " monetary "Roman voice, derived from the coinage, which was made in the temple of Juno Moneta.'s equivalent of currency was used and used the word money, generalized by the troubadours of the Middle Ages and from the Latin" Denarius "or Roman coin, equivalent to ten aces.
Since ancient times has described the coin as a commodity broker that serves to facilitate change.
The terms of the currency was to facilitate the changes. The exchange of products by products (so-called swap) is difficult and sometimes impossible. The goods we have, may not agree, which has the goods that we we need and who need our own, may not have what we need, it is also difficult to ascertain the exact relationship of exchange between two genres (eg sheep and books), and many goods are not divisible or are very difficult.
With all this lost time and work, deterioration of the genre. All these problems disappear with the money. It is not known which was originally used as the commodity currency.
At the age that followed the stone, iron should be used. He who should have followed the bronze in the form of weapons and instruments, metal that was used later in pigs that passed and were marked.
Later copper gave place to silver and finally gold was used. The nickel metal was another attempt to use.
The hunters have used as coins, the skins of beasts, fishers, fish, shepherds, cattle, farmers, wheat (origin of the drachma), or other natural products such as cocoa in Central America, the snuff in Virginia, sugar in Maryland.
In many villages were used shells, cotton fabrics and cotton blue called "guineas" (whence comes the name of a coin) in Senegal was used salt in Abyssinia gunpowder, rifles in Africa; in Tahiti coconut; Fidje islands, bronze knives with the mark of a lamb (sapeca origin) were used in China and Russia nails hides. I invite you to visit www Online Library . magazineofsales.com there you will find items of proven quality for your personal and spiritual development: Computers, Sports, Health, Work Out, languages, painting, entertainment and more.
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