Tuesday, July 24, 2012

How to Stop Loving being a friend And Be Your Girlfriend

Loving Friend of the Bride

Well, at the request of one of our readers (thanks Jeovana to participate and ask for the topic that interests you) and that this is recurring theme for many women here goes:

You can cross the barrier of "loving friend", "free love" or "amigovia" to be his girlfriend and have a formal relationship?

The answer is yes you can, but not in all cases, much depends on how you handled things so far and the type of person who is the guy you're interested. They also have much to do what you've contributed to your life so far. That is, if all you've given so far is of a sexual nature and you identify with the sex only. Do not know of other interesting facets yours, or you as someone who can enrich your life will be much harder to consider a more formal relationship.

But the most important in this process is how you look and TU values ​​yourself, this will depend on everything.

Many times we wonder if there is a series of steps a woman can take to cross that bridge of the informal to the formal relationship. While we all know that there are several things you can do to chop her curiosity and love. We also know that the ideal is to never settle for less of what you want. Doing so sends the message that your self esteem is low and you'll be glad to give you any crumb.

This does not mean that in a moralistic tone that he will cease to respect for having "loose or borrowed", I mean in the sense that if what you wanted was not just some casual sexual, you should not be given. Not for what he thinks, but because that was not what you wanted and you're failing yourself.

Before pointing out that you can do to make your girlfriend to be formal, it is important to note that the biggest mistake you can make is trying to change him. If you've got to become your girlfriend that treats you with more respect and consideration going to make changing your not trying to change him.

Keep in mind that the topic of feelings and bonding, is completely different for a man and a woman. For men to "share" is different than for women, they do not create links for hours talking about their feelings as women do. We come to our friends in an afternoon of coffee and endless talk about what we think and feel.

They create bonds doing things together. Play soccer, watch a game in any sport, play video games or any sport. You realize that none of these activities involves speaking? in fact all the more difficult. However, this is the way in which they share. It would be a mistake to try to do it in same way as you. So if one day out to climb a pyramid, or play tennis or run and do not talk anything, it is likely that the end of the day feel much closer to you than before and has been a day of fun. Of course, that if you do not you were complaining. Neither you feel uncomfortable if one day they are together, but silent and everyone doing their thing, sharing the silence without feeling that you have to talk without feeling uncomfortable or is a fundamental part of communication. Knowing when to shut up and give you room to be with you without saying anything is something they very much appreciated. Not with words with actions.

With this in mind, here are some things you can do to level up and be his girlfriend:

Stop being available for whatever he wants and when the quiera.Llénate of activities and surround yourself with people who make you feel good and bring something positive into your life for you to stop thinking about him all día.Nunca back to ask how he feels about you and how he sees the look relación.No you nor what you call, give the gift of missing you ... Surprise him with fun stuff, the next time you take him to see an unexpected or funny where they can share an activity that has no sexual connotation. Lets you know how much fun you can be without being in a cama.No will claim anything, do not complain about anything when you are together. He is not your partner do not share anything that is very personal. Keep the conversation casual and you divertida.Corta phone calls and appointments before el.Después a fun day, which are close and connected, disappears 2 days or more (do not call him or take his calls). Then come back like that. It gave him an important gift ... miss you. Never answer a personal question unless the answer is NO.

Replies with a joke, no matter how much you make him jealous insista.Evita if you're not prepared to respond in the same manera.Nunca, but never cry in front of him because you feel you do not even want to show yourself emotionally about your relationship with him . These things are spoken with a cool head and do not speak. The less importance you give out, the more important is going to give it.

If after this change in you and not react out of him taking things to the next level, otherwise butterfly. No drama or claims, means that he is not in the same channel as you and who is not able to give you what you need. Do not settle for less than follow what you want.

If you ever studied basic principles of economics, you know the law of supply and demand. You know the best way to make a product people want and are willing to pay any price for that product, is to create scarcity. A product with excess supply must have a very low price because they are everywhere. Difficult to find a product is very expensive. After then, if you're always available and willing to see him and take your calls and answer emails each time will give you less, less time, less attention and above all less value.

On the other hand, if you start to make things difficult to locate you and see you, be willing to pay a higher price for it, to work harder and give more. Do not be afraid to be angry that you say no. If you get angry, it's a good sign, as it'll go away and when you return to pick you be willing to give more than what has been until now. Do not give nor call you just because he was angry. Remember that nobody will give greater value than your own you know. No matter what mistakes you made so far, changed now and there is always opportunity.

I assure you unequivocally that even if you do not get your goal and fail to see, I remember with much more respect than if you stay there indefinitely. You can even if the reason why not formalize their relationship with you is not ready, maybe you look when you are.

Remember, humans are wired to want what we can not have ... is in our DNA.

Florence Deffis


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