Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Currency Its Origin And Use Through History

Currency is defined as a piece of gold, silver, copper or other metal, usually in a disk and stamped with the bust of the sovereign, or government seal, which has the right to manufacture, and that its effective value, or by conventional attributed, sieve half the price of common things and to facilitate change.

The voice comes from the Latin verb coin "Moneo" which means to warn or admonish, because the currency notes the value and the amount of things you can buy with it. Other authors coin the word, make it come from " monetary "Roman voice, derived from the coinage, which was made in the temple of Juno Moneta.'s equivalent of currency was used and used the word money, generalized by the troubadours of the Middle Ages and from the Latin" Denarius "or Roman coin, equivalent to ten aces.

Since ancient times has described the coin as a commodity broker that serves to facilitate change.

The terms of the currency was to facilitate the changes. The exchange of products by products (so-called swap) is difficult and sometimes impossible. The goods we have, may not agree, which has the goods that we we need and who need our own, may not have what we need, it is also difficult to ascertain the exact relationship of exchange between two genres (eg sheep and books), and many goods are not divisible or are very difficult.

With all this lost time and work, deterioration of the genre. All these problems disappear with the money. It is not known which was originally used as the commodity currency.

At the age that followed the stone, iron should be used. He who should have followed the bronze in the form of weapons and instruments, metal that was used later in pigs that passed and were marked.

Later copper gave place to silver and finally gold was used. The nickel metal was another attempt to use.

The hunters have used as coins, the skins of beasts, fishers, fish, shepherds, cattle, farmers, wheat (origin of the drachma), or other natural products such as cocoa in Central America, the snuff in Virginia, sugar in Maryland.

In many villages were used shells, cotton fabrics and cotton blue called "guineas" (whence comes the name of a coin) in Senegal was used salt in Abyssinia gunpowder, rifles in Africa; in Tahiti coconut; Fidje islands, bronze knives with the mark of a lamb (sapeca origin) were used in China and Russia nails hides. I invite you to visit www Online Library . there you will find items of proven quality for your personal and spiritual development: Computers, Sports, Health, Work Out, languages, painting, entertainment and more.

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