Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Tax Accountant's Job Skills

This article discusses how you manage your potential as a CPA tax specialist to access management positions within the organization or even if you are in a process of finding a new job.

Being a fairly extended the concept of Human Resource Management skills, is very important that as a professional tax specialist in the area have it in mind in your professional development plan, or as part of the process of finding a better option another company.

What are the skills?

Competencies are the characteristics that individuals have and use properly and consistently to achieve exemplary performance or, in other words, a job that exceeds all expectations and stand out from what is considered an outstanding performance.

Exemplary performance employees are more productive than outstanding, and far more than those who just do their work without excel. If the organization is able to find those employees of exemplary performance, you can increase your productivity with the same amount of Human Resources.

We can identify two types of competencies:

Or technical knowledge, forms a whole range of knowledge in a classroom, books and other media such as, study of literature and tax courses online.

Conduct or arising from management, are formed by the behaviors that will determine our personality traits, leadership, organization, motivation, etc..

How to identify the tax accountant skills?

The most important aspect for success before seeking employment or promotion to an executive position within the company is conducting a thorough self-assessment, which will help you analyze what you have to offer to the organization.

It is worth mentioning as it has changed the focus of Human Resources and as has been well accepted by the culture of organizations, this shift in focus is essential to take into account the self-assessment before you are about to start.

Traditionally the areas of Human Resources is based on two documents, job description and job profile, these two documents respectively are limited to describing the activities to be developed and the minimum requirements to be met by those who occupy the position, without specifying which considered a good performance of assigned duties as they do not provide any tool to measure the quality of the results.

Currently the Human Resources management skills, identify patterns that we refer to the sources from which employees come copies and makes the selection and hiring through them. In addition to selecting a candidate takes account of its demonstrated ability to perform certain tasks or evidence of the results and also contrasts the candidates skills competency models that define the characteristics of outstanding performers in their respective areas of work.

Self-Assessment Process

In this process of self is important that you consider that the organization to give a promotion to a senior position or a new hire a tax accountant is not just interested in what the candidate wants, needs and values, which the organization is going to buy are job skills, ie knowledge and skills that relate directly to performance.

This self-assessment task is precisely to identify all the skills you have, allowing you to present your skills in a convincing way to the organization.

Clarify your own values ​​and motivations at work, will result you to focus on potential job situations that are appropriate for you.

This self-assessment is a key activity in the process of seeking a promotion or new job is the opportunity to carry out a deep introspection to determine what you can do and what to do in labor and professional aspects of your career.

Leader Competence

Maybe the leader is a competition of skills is more challenging to access the tax accountant to senior positions within organizations, since it has been characterized as a professional with a high sense of concentration, analysis and study are essential qualities to interpret and properly comply with tax laws.

It's time the tax specialist to develop their natural talents and skills of leadership. In the following analysis will find the four talents to be developed by tax accountants, facing a potential opportunity to advance to a management position or a job search a higher level.

a) Ability to lead projects and coordinate actions.

The vision of the work of tax accountants to alert you to implement contingency plans tactical actions strategic and long-term solid

b) Negotiation skills.

The ability to generate agreements, respecting and taking into account the views of others, if the self-assessment exercise mentioned above, was found to be reinforcing this competition and plans to take a training to strengthen this capacity, it is important note that staff in organizations is influenced by education, paradigms, history, customs, and so on.

c) Ability to communicate assertively.

In case of aspiring to a management position is essential to public speaking ability, as leader of a workgroup or as part of the management team of the organization.

Assertive communication ensures clear lines of communication to ensure success for the team, that eliminates doubts or misunderstandings, leaving unclear

d) Ability to develop a life plan

Have clear personal goals, complements the achievement of career goals.


In the new work environment, Human Resource Management Competency has become the procedure that most organizations use to align employee training plans, as well as the tool to get the excellent results that ensure success against a level rise and eventual hiring a tax accountant.

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