Monday, July 2, 2012

Becoming Seller High Performance Part I

How to be a seller of high performance in times of crisis in the years I have dedicated myself to teach courses on sales, human behavior, leadership and competitiveness, I have seen many men and women wanting to make a career in sales, but realizing the degree of difficulty to be successful in sales;-given-up and decide to return to the world of work eight hours pay.

If you are a seller but failed to obtain the desired results, but are you people who are determined to fight to achieve the dreams you need to learn to be a "vendor performance?.

It is important to understand that vendors are fuel for the overall success of any business. Any company that does not invest in training their sales staff, you may not conquer the steps of success it achieved if only invest in its sales.

Self-esteem as a pillar of sales

A very important aspect of human personality that shows the essence of identity and this is according to the capacity that the person has to develop in any activity in society, at the same time according to their self-esteem have the ability to control their environment, their emotions and feelings.

Focus our attention on a single definition of self-esteem: "The ability of the person to value, love, appreciate and accept yourself?.

In the world of sales navigate many men and women willing succeed without having taken a look inside and figure out the quality of self-esteem, since according to this, so it will be their success. A seller with low self esteem is not going to feel able to cope emotionally and communicate with your customer to close the sale and usually falls in the negligence of not going after your goals.

Sellers with low self esteem want to reach their goals but fail to realize the struggle with consistency necessary to achieve and begin to find reasons to justify their neglect. The inflated self-esteem seller will be able to meet his client, but not communicate emotionally-offend and end client in some way.

It is necessary that the seller has a healthy self-esteem in order to become warm, friendly, communicative, and achieve linkages with the emotional language of your customer to close more sales. The question How?

Principles for the formation of self-esteem

Definitely healthy self-esteem is an action that is sown in the early years of human life. The problem is that if you are a person who had the opportunity to tell their parents that will help the healthy development, let me say that it is never late to become a winning person-never too late to become a vendor high performance. First start healing their family relationships, achieve affinity with their parents, their children, and with your spouse.

Make a list of at least 10 actions that will motivate their integral development daily.

For example:

Exercise every day. Do not drink alcohol. Feed your body properly three times a day. Read self-help books. Develop a level of faith alone.

Surely you can find other actions that will help motivate and develop fully every day.

Many times we deal with problems of self-esteem in people only from an emotional perspective, but we must understand that if our body is malfunctioning, they will resent our emotions and our perceptions deficiencies will not be as sharp to understand emotional communication of customers.

Let me share with you five principles for the formation of self-esteem:

The resilience. This principle is the human capacity to grow, mature, and develop the logic of life. That is, if he were a parent or are alcoholic, he treats this situation as a child he did not want to live. Therefore develops emotional defenses to not be like their parents, and seek ways how to avoid the situation. Although you did not have the best education or the best example in their parents does not matter when you determine to be a successful person. Assertiveness: This involves recognizing, naming the feelings, express them, make decisions and act without harming others. Consciously act that brings all done accordingly. The assertive person feels free to communicate their feelings. Non-assertive communication exposes the psychological control to others. There are people who know them by their quality of handling and sadly there are many vendors that far from being good persuading their clients are good at manipulating customers, sales made-handling schemes are what the customer cancels it in the next 24 hours. Be assertive in your communication, and surely you will succeed to create customers for life in his career as a salesman.

Values: These are the structure of thought, character, and personality of people. The sales professional is a person imbued with values. The values ​​strengthen the achievement of specific goals. The seller values ​​creates a firm commitment to himself and the group he belongs. Whether you're a seller where the values ​​and principles are grounded in customer service, and I guarantee that your customers are your best friends. A life project: A project of life gives one a reason and to human existence. A life plan helps the seller to have high performance clear and defined each target set, at the same time it takes to fight against obstacles to meet your goals. A life plan brings security to the seller of the company for which they work. When you do not have a life plan, regularly no bitterness, despair, and insecurity in the seller. Sellers who do not have a defined project are that although they are good salespeople are always out of cash in his pocket, which leads them to sell out of desperation. When you sell in desperation, it is when you sell evil, lies, and insecurity.

For a company the sellers have no definite plan of life is almost a crime because they are sooner or later make the company look bad. Acceptance of yourself: To be high-performance sellers have to accept ourselves as we are. Living without guilt, to live without pride, without arrogance, or frustration. "To accept yourself, you need to look at the past, and believe with your heart that nothing of suffering, no pain was our fault, and that everything that happened to our life happened for the sole purpose to grow and be better every day.?

If you want to be a "vendor performance? I invite you to take sales training, contact customer service seminars, strategies of closure, medical sales, communication and read every book I can about sales and help themselves.

I guarantee that if you break with a resentment of guilt, shame, fear, your body properly fed and trained in the subject, no matter how many crises facing the world, you will be a seller of high performance.


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