Sunday, July 8, 2012

Venezuela and Brazil in favor of a favorable international trade

You can not ignore what it represents Brazil in relation to opportunities, benefits, strengths willing to interact with him, as the case of Venezuela, which has many weaknesses in their systems of production, given the paralysis of many companies that have desbastecido the domestic market and forced the current revolutionary government, is identified with the import, leading the country into a highly dependent situation with those countries that are supplying the products that are not produced in the country, as is the case with Brazil to sues that many products. The professor of international trade in MBA program, mentioning Faces markets, University of Carabobo, can not ignore, pass unnoticed this issue, given the relevance, impact range that generates, especially when Brazil is a major player in the MERCOSUR , Alliance Venezuela has been struggling to integrate. Asdrubal participant reminds us Farfan, it is considered that between the two countries, eextensas common borders, vast energy resources, human potential throughout history have been expressed in the scientific field of economic thought, social and political, a rich cultural creation, vast tracts of land crossed by impressive bodies of water, natural resources, vast seas that open to communications, stable climates, the entire sum of possibilities for the prosperity of our peoples.

In a contradictory way, this impressive physical and human potential, is now a backdrop of poverty. Here is the chance to meet it successfully: integrate our strengths to overcome our shortcomings and overcome on the path to unity and prosperity. Venezuela and Brazil realize the implementation of the Strategic Alliance, which covers areas such as energy, oil, gas, mining, taxation and customs, covering areas such as energy, oil, gas, mining, taxation and customs, finance, industry and trade , family agriculture and agrarian reform, tourism, technical cooperation, aquaculture and fisheries, science and technology, communication and information, military cooperation, among others. Between Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) and Petroleo Brasileiro (Petrobras), was also provided for joint development of the Mariscal Sucre Project, the development of a joint project in the Orinoco Belt, business and cooperation in the area of ​​production and distribution lubricants, cooperation in the refining, trade and shipping, scientific collaboration and personnel training. In addition, a supplementary agreement was signed the Basic Agreement of Technical Cooperation for the construction of the third bridge over the Orinoco River. In the area of ​​Mining, Brazil and Venezuela agreed to set up the company called CARBOSURAMÉRICA SA, which aims to promote the mining of coal, the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding for the establishment of strategic alliances to install an industrial mining - metallurgical and for mine development and processing between the Corporacion Venezolana de Guayana (CVG) and Companhia Vale do Rio Doce.

From July 1997, was established to offer the convenience of traders clear and predictable rules for the development of trade and investment, encouraging more active participation in economic and trade relations between Venezuela and Brazil, as part of the Andean Community. Now Brazil and Venezuela initiated a new era of negotiations abundant in energy, aware of the importance of this energy source is in international trade. To this must be added the importance of taking into account some basic aspects of both actors, so it can be said about Brazil which has a population and economic size making it the most powerful country in MERCOSUR, being a major exporter of more 70 million dollars. In its export policy, Venezuela figure reaching ever lower volume products dependent on the neighboring country, but with aspirations to increase exports in the addition of our country to southern markets. After the Brazilian electricity crisis in 2001-2002, the dynamic has become more complex, for which commercial support of Venezuela, would provide domestic stability in this area, and the possibility of using the third largest gas reserves Latin America, increasing its holding in the short term.

VENEZUELA Moreover, where it is known that Venezuela's exports to Brazil have also declined in recent years, but like Brazil, a Venezuelan economic recovery could mean a 4-fold higher placement within the MERCOSUR. Brazil today is of particular importance for Venezuela, for its strategic significance in the national aspirations of the MERCOSUR regional pact. Venezuela is the eighth largest natural gas reserves in the world, with proven reserves of 148.9 trillion cubic feet, widely dispersed in the country. Additionally, 91% of them are jointly associated gas oil production and the remaining projects are underdeveloped and therefore require the agreement of technical support and training in Brazil. The oil industry claims 70% of gas for reinjection process and local use and only 30% goes to the domestic market, which would be the pipeline would pass through the South, covering a supply per day through it, which not justify the investment. Thus, the pipeline would not, at least technical and economic sense in generating income for the nation in relation to the volume of investment required in its construction and operations.

Strategically, these higher risks of uncertainty would have no chance, if it takes the gas efficient distributed generation systems to those regions where justified by the current electricity infrastructure, or lack thereof, as well as packaging and shipping by vessel consumer sites benefits resulting económicamente.Debilidades1 .- The exchange control implemented in Venezuela becomes a major barrier limiting the exchange between the two nations. 2 .- The Venezuelan economy is regularized through price controls, exchange controls among others. 3 .- There are limitations of Venezuelan products access to the Brazilian market a product, the need for efficient local distribution network to transport goods. 4 .- The Venezuelan Customs System deficiency by presenting lack of coordination and updating of operational processes that restrict the export and import formalities between nations. Oportunidades1 .- The establishment of agreements that establish tariff discounts of up to 100% in the import of steel sheets, telephone and television equipment and 80% in the import of tractors. 2 .- The signing of agreements that have strengthened energy projects, social, cultural, infrastructure in the steel industry, education among others. 3 .- The two nations established by investment program agreed to encourage domestic firms in terms of milk production and animal husbandry, food production, training of small and medium enterprises among others.

4 .- From the technological point of view establishing partnerships for energy development, when implemented agreements to encourage its businesses through its PDVSA (Venezuela), PETROBRAS (Brazil) investments in the development pipeline. Fortalezas1 .- The excellent negotiation between the two nations since officials said in recent Venezuelan exports to Brazil grew by 74% and exports to Venezuela grew Brazilian 900% .2 .- The geographic location allows for a great strength as Venezuela and Brazil are neighboring countries which facilitates the exchange between both nations. 3 .- The existence of bilateral agreements between the two nations in regard to strengthening investment in energy and oil, which is a strength in the presence of new mercados.Amenazas 1 .- The Brazilian nation has a sector food production potential and which is internationally competitive, which creates a disadvantage to Venezuela to compete in these areas. 2 .- With respect to exports of Venezuelan oil in the case maintains its strategy of maintaining high oil prices, while Brazil focuses more from a long term view of reinvesting in the economy.

3 .- creates a threat in terms of export on energy and oil as both economies are exporting these items, so you can encourage price competition and markets in this area. 4 .- Brazil has alliances such as BRIC, MERCOSUR among others, which are made up of countries that offer greater opportunities for the development of economic activity in that nation. While Venezuela has partnerships with countries of the Alba, Can and others who do not have the same advantages. 5 .- In Brazil, companies with competitive advantages are protected and promoted by the state and generate protectionist policies to limit competition in certain areas produced by Venezuelan companies. Also in Venezuela there are discrepancies between the government and the business sector that somehow makes productive activity. 6 .- Brazil's exports have an exchange rate more competitive product agreements pertaining to the groups, while in the Venezuelan case are not part of these alliances has disadvantages www.

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