Sunday, July 8, 2012

Start creating your online business

One of the questions that our subscribers do is:

"How do I start a successful online business? The answer to this question is that there are some very specific steps you need to follow to ensure their success. Anyone from a novice to an experienced Internet marketer, you can be benefited by following this proven sequence of steps. No matter where your business, always make sure to review the basics and feel confident that this sequence of steps, is the proper way to grow your business and maybe you can help improve your business much more than it already is. In this video-article, I'll give a brief description of the eight steps you need to follow in order to start and grow a successful online business, and these steps are: Step 1: Find a hungry market niche - before decide what to sell Most vendors make the mistake of looking for a "hot product? to sell, when this is the start to be "off base" and end up choosing a product before they know if there is a market for it. And this is the reason why most of those who start an Internet business fail

The fact is that most people who come to the internet shopping. They go first for information or solve a problem. What you need to do is find a niche market is not saturated: Currently there is a group of people who are looking for a solution to a common problem, but are not having luck on the internet to find the answer. Making a simple research, you can find EXACTLY what you are looking for these people and then must find a way to give them what they want. The point is, you should know that there is a very attractive market niche that is willing to buy your product, even though not even know who will offer! Once you have found a hungry market niche and have a product that meets the needs for your market, it is time to write your sales letter. Step 2: Write a sales letter that will impress your visitors. Undoubtedly the most important part of your website is your sales letter. It is the single most important contact that your visitors will have with your business - so you must be sure to do a good job as a marketer of high performance.

Many people do not feel safe at the time of writing. But do not worry! Writing a sales letter is a "science? not an "art? - There is a specific formula to follow to lead your visitors smoothly into the sales process. You need to focus on how your product or service will solve people's problems or make their lives better. You should think about as you would a client: "What's in it for me?? Some important things to remember when writing your sales letter: Include a title and comments that are aligned with the benefits of your product. Build credibility with testimonials. Offering an amazing warranty. Offer gift vouchers (Additional Benefits). Do not forget to show an order!. Never assume that your visitors will understand that is what you want done on your site. You have to tell them, and then easily track them for compra.Y Remember: You need to focus your letter on the advantages of your product, not its features. What is the difference? SAY features, benefits SOLD. For example, is selling energy-saving washing machines: Feature: use less electricity than conventional machines.

Advantage:! Save money with every use!

See the difference? Your visitors must have a clear idea of ​​how your product will help improve their lives, because that is what will convince them to buy! Step 3: Designing a Web Site winner visitors convert into buyers. Yes it's true: You should only begin to build your Web site once you know what will sell and keep writing your sales letter. So that your site design to facilitate the sales process. The most important thing to keep in mind when designing your website is KEEP IT SIMPLE!. It has only 10 seconds to capture attention at the time someone comes to your website - if not, they will and will not ever see. Some important tips to keep in mind: Choose a font such as Arial or Verdana Plana. Use black text on a white background. Make sure your navigation is clear and simple, and include a site map (Sitemap). Avoid flashy or distracting flash or audio (using video and audio is OK only for support, because rather distracts from your message).

Be sure to include an opt-in form to collect names and email addresses of your visitors - in return offer them something useful, like a free subscription to a monthly newsletter or free report that contains useful information. If you decide to train a little HTML and design your site yourself or hire a designer to do it for you, your goal is not to confuse your visitors, to lead them gradually and step by step through the buying process. F Do? CIL to buy him, and will! Step # 4: Use the powerful search engines on the network to generate tons of traffic to your website. Now that you have your site built, it's time to start selling. But how to get traffic to a new website? The answer is search engines!. About 90% of users start with search engines when looking for free information online, so you must make sure your site is positioned at the highest points possible from the lists. There are two ways to use search engines to drive traffic to your site: With programs pay-per-click (PPC) like Google AdWords and Yahoo Search Marketing, and seeking to be ranked in the search "organic? within the engines.

You can start with PPC, it is the best way to start driving traffic to your site IMMEDIATELY. Once you have paid some traffic directed to your site, and want to be sure that the keywords or keywords work best, you must optimize your web pages for those keywords so that your website starts to get noticed in search "organic? engine to get results. Step 5: Find secret sources of traffic cheap (even free). As a seller on the internet, one of their most important assets is its reputation. People need to know who you are, and why should they trust you! So how to achieve "a good picture? about you and your business even in the farthest corners of the network? Easy! Here it is: Make it free, quality content! Write a series of short articles with useful information, and submit them to online article directories and include a link to your website at the end of each article. Post press release to your business. This is a great way to announce a new product, or report on the progress of this industry and drive traffic to your site.

Become an expert active in industry forums! Out objectives to direct market to your site, share your knowledge with them to write answers to your questions and remember to always include a link to your website in your signature. To be sending all this great information, your name and URL of your website will be visited. This will also help to achieve better results in lists of search engines, provided that each site open its content, its link will be activated. The search engines love link exchanges on relevant sites, and therefore you will be rewarded. Step # 6: Use the power of email marketing to keep in touch with your visitors and convert them into buyers. Many people say that email marketing does not work. And when I hear that, I just smile ... because it's not entirely true. In fact, according PostFuture, 82% of online shoppers have made at least one purchase in response to a promotion by email. It takes an average of four to seven contacts with someone before they feel comfortable to buy something, so I need to stay in touch with your visitors and build a relationship with them.

Email marketing is the ideal way for this. You can show your subscribers that you really know what he is talking about and can make them feel comfortable to make a purchase. Better yet, you can stay in regular contact with existing customers and keep them informed of new products have to offer! Step # 7: Grow your business by selling new products to its customer base. There is little tested theory that at least 36% of people who have bought something you will buy again, of course if you make a good follow-up. That means a third of its customer base, will be waiting for you with a new offer! You have grown and a relationship with their clients, has put money and time to achieve win their attention, establish credibility, and close the first sale. That is by far the hardest part - not to mention also the most expensive! (Think of all the planning, advertising and promotional activity that will take you to get those initial sales). But once you have bought these clients, you must develop a "lifelong relationship.? An old adage of Marketing says 80% of its sales come from 20% of its customers.

This means that during the sale and after sale are your best bets to sell an additional product. You can: Offer products that complement the original purchase. Send electronic loyalty coupons can redeem on your next visit. Include a range of related products on their website "Thanks?. Selling affiliate products that complement your product or service. If we maintain regular contact with our customers and we know about new products available, we will be able to increase our sales by 30%! Step # 8: Using the power of affiliate programs to generate free traffic and sales. Once you have a profitable business in their hands, should always be alert to new ideas to make it grow. And one of the best ways is to launch your own affiliate program. Affiliates are people who promote the products of their website. Every time they send you a buyer, you get paid your commission.

With an affiliate program, has the power to increase their income. Think about it ... do not have to spend any money on advertising because your affiliates do the advertising for you ... and get paid only when they make a sale. You can not lose!.

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