Friday, July 13, 2012

Negative Thoughts: a question of energy?

Battles with negative thoughts?, Is it a matter of energy?

Many philosophical schools or systems of self-help warn about the benefits of keeping thoughts light and observe the thoughts regulating them advise avoiding where possible the entry of negative thoughts. They teach postures, prayers, modes of breathing, routines and various techniques in order to generate a spirit of optimism or simply drive away those negative thoughts especially those versed in the complaint, guilt abroad, fear, hopelessness, loss of faith , the (auto)-reproach, the (self) criticism, hatred, distrust, and so on. Techniques for life planning, organize time, and decision strategies are not out of this scheme. Each in its own way tries to explain that one should look for thoughts of light, striving to avoid stopping on negative thoughts or external stimuli that are destabilizing.

The recommendation best intentions can not save. However, people do not, if they do they can not sustain this habit for a long time. So many were tortured, are required, they feel fail, they see themselves in some way inferior, and leave cynicism overwhelmed with sadness or primarily to discover the incredible ability to engage the mind of negative material with trigger start it.

Experience confirms that just aim to remove negative thoughts and keep positive thoughts is not enough, is not easy to achieve and sustain without going crazy or depressed to such an effort. Regular battle with the mind or she is not the road, the road is able to operate on it in an intelligent way: neither foolish nor omnipotent. The intelligence is closer to humility, as Jung said: Nature is aristocratic always prevails and goes dominion over human pretensions.

A smart way is he who having been informed about human mental processes, respects and leverages its dynamics to generate profits. No battle against them. Working in the mind in a productive way is just to use this natural process of the human mind but in a way that is productive and generate optimal emotional state can respond to life as we want.

The way that you think reflects the tidal energy in which you are planted now and therefore, results in negative thoughts and negative feelings that repossessed. It is the magnetism of the emotional tide where you are what attracts them. For this reason, efforts to control them, them aside, numb, sleep, postponed, deny and reeemplazarlos will become increasingly intense and less productive. Their views will be equally limited. To the extent that you stay in those seas of turbid water, the result is the same, the mental journey is always similar, limited, get the same mental scenarios produce such emotionally charged climate you already know. The good news is that these problems can be reversed just as easy and seamless as you can to start because the same mental processes are valid for positive states as well: they also attract a multitude of ideas, circumstances, people, subjects, objects of equivalent energy that is, profit attract foreign and increased welfare.

Your thoughts and emotions define the tidal energy in which you are. They are also the result of their energy management. If in the future, whenever you find yourself saying things like "I spend thinking about x thing?, Replaces his speech and says something like" I am focusing all my energies on x thing? check that you are also a physical body an entity that sends and receives vibratory energy and vibe with them and to the extent that you fix your attention on what causes pain, sadness, fear, vulnerability, uncertainty, tend to perpetuate . Rarely will disappear as they consciously or unconsciously something you "keep alive?. It is likely that, contrary to expectations, the pain intensifies and spreads well to other contexts of their lives. The mere desire and consciously attempt to stop this wheel of ideas, thoughts and negative emotions only reflect the core where you have your focus of attention. If you do not mind presents a valid, specific, your mind will roll the same lines as always. But your mind can present a valid, of course need to have the seed germ of such an alternative.

In our view, this means that if you want to generate positive thoughts clearly you and hope you necessarily need to rise to those high-energy tide bloom vibration where clarity and hope and then translated into being in brilliant ideas, states of clarity and hope.

Raising vibrations bright thoughts and circumstances come without effort: they will, as Bach says the bargain. The entry of these thoughts and the inauguration of optimal emotional states always occur as a result of deliberate internal reorganization or a beneficial impact as it can be a great experience, wonderful news and a blessed event for the simple reason that they bring energy luminous. With desire "I do not want to be confused or hopeless? "I do not have this negative thinking? not enough, is not the way. It is not because the idea of ​​confused and desperate or whatever your negative thinking is vibrant. When you try to stop or control their negative emotions or stop the wheel of your negative thoughts or fight against them does nothing but focus on them and unwittingly intensifies. So possibly attract a multitude of ideas, feelings and emotions qualitatively equivalent, will confirm his suspicions and imaginations also following the principle of "self-fulfilling prophecy?, For your system resulting negative processes in nature. The key transformations from which everything else starts never occur by way of taxation because the constraints are not working, are odious and offensive to Mother Nature who will eventually displayed his magnificence in a display of its laws impassable.

Negative thoughts and emotions that you both try to avoid you only disappear from planting the seed of emotion with which you vibrate like for that to happen you need to have that seed planted in your garden and have the emotional skill of the gardener .

Stop negative thoughts come, simply can not enter a work training oriented towards productive mental result. This is not to generate a spirit of optimism or recite the Guru's hopeful words of the day, that would make up a dirty face. We must learn to clean energy. Everything else: mental clarity, drive, optimism, strength and physical force are just inevitable results of a responsible job of energies.

Energy issues covering all human concerns and all the human problems of all ages. Many times we believe we have an interlocking and from our situation we vehemently even explain why this is the bond. With energy work is often discovered that the so-called "interlocking? is simply the direct conclusion which is reached by considering the situation from a weak and tidal energy from other, with stronger vibrations, that "interlocking? unexpectedly receives a different cover and getting out of the quagmire individual gains new strength. People often receive suggestions and advice can not take, they consider absurd, impossible or ridiculous but that's only because you have not entered these tidal energy from where it was issued positive advice or suggestion.

If you find yourself immersed in a troubled emotional tide, if you are tortured with negative thoughts to remember you will not get genuine positive thoughts come to you because they are fish still sailing in other seas. You must first move to one wide sea to fish at all. As much as you know the benefits of keeping the body dry in winter, you can not aim to keep your body dry in the rain in winter under the snow. Need resources permit, clothing, an umbrella, a roof. So also is vulnerable your energy body. Unless you serve energy that effectively supports clarify their inner skies and raise you will not get truly think in a clear and high. His speech is false, their efforts are futile.

In our daily practice we find many people aspiring to change careers or find their vocation in life are just stuck these energy problems. After discovering a responsible job that could not make a decision that complete because, for example, their aspirations were limited by fear, their view of themselves was limited by a feeling of inferiority, or by some influential voices in your environment that undermined the emotional field and thus contaminating the essential magnetism and their visions were distorted. When perceptual channels clean and really raise your vibration, a new world opens up before them and can choose not Grasp emotional detected which was not detectable before.

Vocational tests that do not involve emotional factors fail for the same reasons. If someone claims to be good at math but not taught to look at factors around to discover that maybe the teacher's energy and climate for tax or bank partner favoring their performance in mathematics does not discover that has potential fertile to develop in other areas that maybe you meet a lot more. There is an emotional display during testing as well. The energy of the guidance counselor, your office, the words used, their eyes, everything around before and after the meeting energy plays a role. Creative people often feel inhibited, the most sensitive capture something about the consultation and are decentralized, some are hooked by something that happened before or after the meeting, the impatient will have their own and for one reason or another we see the results of these studies rarely translate the true potential of the client, it does not just come to light. Adult suffering much frustration and even health problems often relate to a decision made early and based on factors that are secondary or incomplete.

Whatever the concern that it occupies, or misleading negative thoughts come to mind randomly, the person is in a vulnerable energy tide. If you are immersed in fear can not have thoughts of faith rather than impose it on his teacher and I mentioned the benefits in practice. If you are being pressured to make a decision, take the right decision not just because he has taken "in time?. You need to learn to use the information that dwells within them, need to know how to remove it afloat and make the right decision. When you are confused check is fine. But it is still wiser to know who conducts the inquiry. Bach teaches us to consult and teaches us that the real answers and truly useful come from within us and teaches us how to ask these questions: making good use of vibration. One no longer question with the words and thoughts but by reading and interpreting the vibrations and emotions with which we deal more sensitively and tend to attract.

Bach Flowers are useful precisely because they raise our vibrational frequency. If you are in high vibration will not get genuine thoughts of clarity or faith or love for more technical or phrases learned by heart, your mind will be tainted by doubt, fear, distrust, envy, impatience, etc. . Thus began the blockade. Used wisely, flower essences have the particularity to move from one tide to another, as from low to high on the strings of a guitar, leading to the most vibrant and luminous do, of re, the mi, fa, but do not skip the of fa re or without them there would not be complete guitar. For example, an essence takes us from hate to love being that these two emotions belong to the same vibration (a one string of the guitar) with opposite polarities: bass / treble, hate / love. Following the same scheme, otherwise we move from fear to courage, and others will make the corresponding move. Hate, love, fear, courage, are just some of the "primary colors? of the emotional vibrations from which spring all the others and generating its own magnetism, attracting everything that is in resonance with hatred, fear, love, respectively, and in a wheel endlessly.

In a very simple and effective (characteristic of nature) the proper use of flower essences help anyone in their spiritual journey, in his studio, at work, relationship in your life and will do whatever the method or way you choose to move forward spiritually, whatever you choose to study, in which job performance or choose how you choose to draw their social life. This is because they give good energy and energy is so necessary to the emotional body as it is good food into flesh.

When working with essences, and I stress the word "work? instead of taking their energy fighting random, they are amazing power of the mind and regulating the body's defense system. That's why I recommend and I stress the importance of learning to make the most of, not take them as mere natural remedies but to learn to maneuver with intelligence not to stop half-way of all the favors that they can give.

Related Topics: free exercise for sweeping negative thoughts effectively in a

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