Sunday, July 8, 2012

Venezuelan Foreign Trade Policy

One whose smile graces is good disfigured man whose smile is bad. Proverb There have been great changes and transformations in national and international scenarios, leading to a new paradigm of Venezuelan foreign policy of the government of Chavez, who has given way to new openings, in search of markets, transactions that favor country. The important thing is to think, if these changes really favor the country and is prepared to face this challenge. In order to enter it now represents the changes that have occurred, especially when the new Foreign Trade openness has a new twist, which reminds us Carlos A. Romero, began when Hugo Chavez won the presidential elections of 1998, it was foreseeable that he would develop a foreign policy different from previous presidents. His past as an Army officer who had led a military coup attempt in 1992, the content of their public pronouncements, both in prison and on the street, the nature of the electoral alliance that backed him and his own opinions on the subject, so indicated. Similarly, the oath as President Chavez in February 1999, in what he himself defined as "a dying Constitution?, It was understood that Chavez would begin a major restructuring of politics in Venezuela, in terms of discourse, its worldview, to promote a new Constitution and to promote a new relationship between state and society, all of which was known as the development of the "Fifth Republic?, a clear allusion to break with the past, so start the "Bolivarian Revolution?.

In the matter at hand, the first two years of the Chávez government is characterized by having a foreign policy that, in some ways, combining historic commitments to Venezuela, such as the country's relations with the U.S. and Colombia and retention in organisms multilateral and integration mechanisms, along with innovative positions in terms of aspiring to a foreign policy closer to international liberalism Cuba and encourage popular movements in Latin America, as well as the promotion of so-called participatory democracy, understood as model considered contrary to the "poor? representative democracy. In this way, and as time passed, President Chavez deepened thereafter some deviations from our foreign policy, as are overactivated (many trips and commitments) and presidential personalism (informal pronouncements indicate, where appropriate, a radical), accompanied by a growing lack of consensus between the government and the political, business, bureaucratic and intellectual who not only warned of the negative consequences of that procedure, but also on the move towards left gives the nascent government's foreign policy.

The participant from the chair of International Trade Business Administration graduate Asdrúbal Farfan, commented that the year 2009 will unfold in an environment with very different expectations for 2008. The general deterioration in the global economic situation has caused a sharp decline in oil prices, which impacts negatively on the Venezuelan government and reduce the gap with that was during the last four years, the main factor in this crisis lacking of frontiers. Today, oil constitutes 95% of our exports, and reserves account with less than nine months of imports, the above reveals the high external vulnerability of our economy, in what refers to the oil market, characterized by high volatility in prices. The new shift that has given the Venezuelan government for its foreign policy by establishing relationships with countries that have not traditionally had a positive relationship for the business as it gives opportunity to place their products in new markets and some preferential terms. One of the not positive is that the Venezuelan government used international trade as a political weapon because it establishes agreements unfavorable to the interests of our country just because these are allies, example of this is our country's entry into MERCOSUR as integration of the leadership of President Hugo Chavez, against the strong political rival, the United States, the decision of entry into MERCOSUR, answers, according to Venezuelan business, a political decision that has generated a profound impact on decision-making producing sectors of the country where the redefinition of markets run by the government, the business landscape changes with the traditional countries Colombia, Mexico and the United States, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay.

The Venezuelan government has made a significant political and economic effort trying to weaken Washington's influence in the region, offering oil on favorable terms of payment to the Caribbean and South America, signing trade agreements and cooperation with Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay in large infrastructure plans, construction of refineries, pipelines, oil pipelines and service stations. Although Venezuela has a resource that everyone wants, oil, and its foreign policy is based solely on that product, the country was in need of energy to break their isolation and expansion of other productive sectors where we have competitive advantages verifiable Weaknesses: 1 .- The little attention paid to the development of a manager in Venezuela, with the necessary skills profile who plays a role gerencial.2 .- The lack of visualization and analysis of available resources in Venezuela, both human and natural technological potential of products for export. 3 .- The complicated customs procedures together with little knowledge of international marketing and little or no experience with them. 4 .- The lack of proactive management to innovation processes, products and services, and also to delegate funciones.5 .- No set policies based on the quality and competitividad.6 .- Do not include training and continuous updating of their skills gerenciales.7 .- The mixture of the political factor in the relations comerciales.8 .- The government does not work together with business to analyze the situation and opportunities of the globalización.Fortalezas: 1 .- The managements of markets have successfully covered in various specializations have developed áreas.2 .- incremental improvements in products and services, both in research and development and in the process .- productivo.3 good programs have conceived distribution of goods and servicios.Amenazas: 1 Recession .- domestic market, will force managers to obtain foreign currency through the foreign market for industries sobrevivir.2 .- Countries with organized and attentive to the changes marketers, representing a competing risk for national Piracy gerentes.3 .- and imported, will force a reassessment of marketable products at low prices and value añadido.4 .- Poor market information, managers will require evaluators of the segments and opportunities productos.5 .- Difficulties of financing, paperwork, exchange controls and acquisition preferential dollars, will also be financial considerations for planning mercadeo.6 .- High levels of dependence on technology importada.7 .- Low qualified and specialized human capital must motivate their own managers and staff fully trained to deal the retos.8 .- The search by the highly industrialized countries alternative energy sources, which would weaken us in the negotiations with our main oil product marketing.

Opportunities: 1 .- Evaluation of the privileged geographic and demographic situation of Venezuela that makes generating opportunities comercialización.2 .- Take advantage of the immense variety of natural resources and humanos.3 .- The managers must also rely on market research to be used by associations of domestic producers, leading productive sector statistics for each of country.4 .- The market managers will find varied and demanding agreements and bilateral and multilateral treaties that puts us on the world stage, in various geographical areas of action. 5 .- The Managers of SMEs should be aimed at specific market niches to meet a wide variety of clients internacionales.1 .- 2 .- www. 4 .- 5 .- Portfolio Magazine

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