Friday, August 17, 2012

"SEO 20 20" Get Real! Marketing Psychology 101

SEO20/20 was created by Charles Heflin. He definitely knows all about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and knows how to teach it. I learned a lot from him, but I have had off-balance. I focused a lot on SEO that my sentences were always strange. One day I was reading one of my articles and I could not believe how I looked. I heard him say: "Oh for crying out loud, get real!"

Studying SEO requires tons of concentration and distractions can lead to ridicule. Do not get distracted from the main thing. As they say, "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing!" Whatever the reason is for online marketing, first is the "main thing". To me, you're taking care of business, take care of real people who are attracted to value my company has to offer. This is Take a few tips from me, stop worrying about things like where to place keyword phrases in a kind of SEO 20/20. Return to your CEO 20/20. Remember your vision. Every successful entrepreneur has a laser focus on the business mission, vision and core values. This results in being real, connecting with people and see clearly with 20/20. This is Attraction Marketing.

Attraction Marketing Tips for Entrepreneurs

Tip # 1 Marketing Psychology and Edward Bernays

Entrepreneurs need to market their businesses. They must reach the real people and connect with them in some way that promotes confidence. It 's all about the psychology of marketing, which is not a bad thing. And 'good, very good, to connect with people and build confidence through marketing. This is what attraction marketing is all about - is the positive psychology of marketing.

The man considered the father of psychology, marketing is Edward Bernays. He developed a type of relationship marketing, connecting with his audience. It was really good with words and very persuasive. Within a short period of time, has transformed a book did not care a best seller, so to speak.

It was written by his uncle that he needed the money and gave him the unpublished book as a thank you for the loan. When Edward read the book of his uncle, began to see that the motivators "hidden" Uncle spoke could be used in marketing!

Being a very persuasive man, Edward has been published book of his uncle and the rest is history. He and his uncle became famous. Who was your uncle? Sigmund Freud. But Edward Bernays saw what his uncle did not see, the positive and powerful of what Sigmund Freud called it "our hidden motives."

Edward's vision was 20/20. He saw that the American industry, if used in "motivators" hidden their customers, companies can connect with their target market more powerful. He saw a great opportunity. He saw clearly, as an entrepreneur with 20/20.

The well-known copywriter, Jack Forde, tells the story something more like this ... After reading the unpublished book of his uncle, "General Introduction to Psychoanalysis," Edward began to understand its power, the power of words that connect with the powerful emotions that we all have. He was very talented to convince others with his words, inspiring them to ideals.

An example of his talent was when he worked for Woodrow Wilson. He helped "sell" President's agenda for the League of Nations with his words. He coined the phrase "Making the world safe for democracy". He was stunned later when he traveled with Woodrow Wilson in Paris just after the war, and heard the crowd of people on the streets with enthusiasm again repeat that sentence, his sentence.

Attraction Marketing Tip # 2 and Networking

Attraction Marketing is the psychology of marketing. And 'the human side of marketing. All of us build our business online and offline must first provide value to the market. One of the best ways to do this is to teach.

I teach attraction marketing click Internet with one click, highlight networking, online and off, with real people. To build a successful business is much easier if you are also building strong business relationships. After all, the word of mouth advertising is viral, it spreads. If you know your psychology, marketing, we know that word of mouth advertising is the most powerful way to market anything. Be reliable, honest, focusing on what you can do to provide value to others, such as global business strategy, and the word will spread like wildfire, especially online.

Attraction Marketing makes you stand out in a crowd the Internet, because for every 100 marketing websites out there, I'd say there's only maybe 10 that are attractive. So, we must not ignore SEO techniques while being real and attractive. Internet marketing is extremely interesting and very effective if it is not trying to fool people. Trick or treat? Even search engines have the same preference as we do. Being difficult is not it interesting :)

Attraction Marketing works better than the hard sell. It 's always been so. When we go to the supermarket, we did not strictly adhere to our shopping list? Of course not. Let's go out and buy specific things with more of what he intended to buy. Why? Because we were attracted by something that does not even want to know, but we did. We saw something on our list, ordered and purchased. No high pressure sales pitch, no one chasing us down or curved to buy extras. This does not work because it is not attractive. But the marketing attraction, positive, friendly, value-added marketing, that psychology works.

For some reason, a lot of entrepreneurs feel bad marketing in this way. Probably because we did not take a lot of marketing courses in college. Many of us have become after our first entrepreneurial career. We left corporate America to be in charge, to run a business the way it should be run. I love focusing on providing value to the world in a business of my own. The next step is to market that value using Attraction Marketing. Any legitimate business that has happened has happened in the world today because people are attracted to the real value of that business provides. It only requires you to get the word out.

Get the word with the words powerful. Be inspired by Edward Bernays. To learn attraction marketing and use words to inspire others. We know how relationships grow stronger. Develop through a communication that is real strong. Business relationships grow stronger in the same way. With the power of our words, the individual small business owners can get the word around the world. It remains true, but surely learning how to use marketing tool more effectively and efficiently throughout the story, the second generation of Internet, Web 2.0.

Web 2.0.

Web Marketing Tip # 3 2.0

Now more than ever, the individual entrepreneur can afford to have a powerful marketing machine on-line even if they are just starting out and with a very strict budget. Variations of the Internet makes it easy to connect through Web 2.0 technology and costs very little. Just focus on attracting real humans, not search engines. Network online with real people. Social media marketing allows people to know you and trust you, the real you. Targeted traffic, real people will visit your websites, because you enjoy.

Probably fit the typical profile of the entrepreneur. Creative, positive, all around good person. Now as never before in the history of the Internet, you can share that personality and your ideal online to attract people to your business. Reach people from all over the world, on video on YouTube, EzineArticles, to Squidoo in corporate blogs, Hub Pages, - is endless what an individual entrepreneur can do online that we could not do just 2 short years ago. Web 2.0 is a great marketing opportunity for entrepreneurs if they have 20/20....

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