Monday, August 27, 2012

What are the items in QuickBooks?

When I started using QuickBooks, I was very confused about the elements, and not really what they did. I understand the concept of stock items, but other types of articles in no sense to me.

And I post on many forums accounting, I see that others are confused about the elements as well. Take this statement, recently published on the forum by someone looking for help with the objects:

I'm trying to find out what the fundamental difference is between the "costs" and "rumors".

As you probably already know, on some forms of QuickBooks you have a choice of which to use: the card charges, or the Items tab. The card allows you to send charges directly to the chart of accounts. The Items tab does not. What happens when you use the Items tab?

After a bit 'long, I finally figured out a quick and simple definition of items in QuickBooks:

The articles are simply a way of posting transactions to the accounting!

Based on some of the other definitions that you can see, this seems too easy. Yet it is true.

The articles are an intermediary step between you and the chart of accounts. But their function is simple: take the transaction, and post it to the chart of accounts based on them as originally conceived.

If you use objects and not sure what that post says, go to the Items list, select the item you wish to review and press Control-E. You will be able to see the account (or accounts) messages to it.

Although these statements are true for all types of element, for beginning users of QuickBooks, I think it make more sense for the following types:


Non-Inventory Part

Other charge


Begin to understand these types, according to my definition. See if you do not improve your ability to work with items in QuickBooks .......

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