Sunday, August 19, 2012

Write On! - Key Components of Successful Business Communication

Written communication is often the first impression you make on potential customers, business partners or employers. Because of its importance to your marketing message is one of the most important aspects of your business.

Good writing is a positive tone and encourages people to enter into a relationship with you. It tells people that you have something worthwhile to offer them.

Although the writing style is a subjective preference, quality of writing can be objectively defined. Three characteristics of good writing are that it is purposeful, compelling and clear.

Intentional - Any written communication has a specific purpose. It could be to inform, as a company newsletter, mission, or press release. It could be to explain, as a training manual, white paper, or business letter. Writing can also be used to motivate a sales team, coaching a student, or to inspire social change. Identify the specific purpose of his writing, before it will be easier to choose the most appropriate format and content.

Compelling - Effective writing forces the first reader to continue reading and second, to feel, think or act a certain way. Marketing brochures, sales literature, proposals, resumes, business cards too, rely on the power of the written word to force the decisions and actions. Read your writing from the perspective of the customer. He motivated to act?

Clear - The accelerating pace of business requires a lot of us to do more in less time. Your writing clearer, easier it is for your readers to quickly understand and respond to your message. Whether you are writing for corporate communication or external promotion, clarity makes writing more vivid and memorable.

What should you complete writing projects, and should rely on a professional freelance writer? Consider these three questions:

I do not have the expertise to write the most effective communication?

I must have the resources necessary for the results I need?

I do not have time to research, write, edit and rewrite the plan?

Short communications or personal property, such as agendas, minutes of meetings and performance appraisals can be completed easily and efficiently in-house.

Promotional or corporate communications full - as press releases, marketing materials and marketing, company newsletters, training manuals and curriculum - often sourced to freelance writers who have the experience and creativity to maximize the impact of written communication.

A professional freelance writer who is skilled in the art of combining words with attention to detail gives you the freedom to concentrate on other aspects of your business. The collaboration with a freelance writer for your business communications ensures that the first impression you make is good.

by Sally Bacchetta. .......

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