Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Next Generation Website Model

Narrowcast Communication-On-Demand websites

The next generation of websites will have a very different way to communicate information to their visitors. Web sites will evolve into true communication platforms are able to exploit the multimedia capabilities of the Web and broadband Internet.

The new model website will look and sound of your very own narrow-cast communication channel complete with audio and video programming on-site person who will present and lead the audience through the maze of content. But unlike television, this humanized Web-experience will allow site visitors to make their own programming choices, the public will be able to experience the content they want when they want and the format of their choice: audio and video, or text and graphics.

Why Will Become Sites channels of communication media

1. There are millions of sites on the Internet, which represents millions of small and medium sized companies with a huge total investment, and the vast majority of these sites do not meet expectations largely because they have not taken advantage of the Web's multimedia communication capability and penetration of broadband transmission.

2. Entrepreneurs want to see better results, but they are hampered in part by their lack of vision and unrealistic expectations, especially from a conventional wisdom promoted by particular industrial interests that the ability of website owners disability 'to capitalize on the ability of communication media the Web and its democratizing economic character.

3. Until recently, the major search engines have stifled Web-based marketing communication, failing to develop appropriate measures which correctly index web-based multimedia presentations. With the popularity of Goggle Video, YouTube, and the advent of Goggle video ads, search engines will develop the technological means to better index multimedia content.

4. Progress can only be stopped in the short term. Communication technology and multimedia capabilities of the Web to welcome her guardians have passed the web. The limitations imposed by SEO strategists on delivering content can not stop the demand for a more humanized Web-communication experience that provides the material that is informative, meaningful and memorable.

5. Success as some companies maybe with their PPC (pay per click) programs, the vast majority of small and medium sized enterprises are not. It 's impossible for any company that is willing to pay for placement or for SEO experience to be number one or even on the first page, in any particular category of research. There are many companies that are too similar companies with similar objectives to all rank on the first page of search results. As a result, businesses will begin to focus on more effective delivery of content really interested Web-visitors who take the time to find on the Web or who respond to your direct marketing efforts. More emphasis will be placed on how long visitors stay on a site, and what visitors can learn and retain from that site, rather than spending money to attract more traffic just random.

6. With articles and books written about as the natural ability of Web access to niche markets ('The Long Tail' by Chris Anderson), businesses will soon realize that the distribution of content relevant to an interested public takes precedence over attracting volumes of uninterested traffic. High volumes of traffic can be the target of sites that make their money to generate traffic for advertisers, but if you have your own product or service to sell, it's about the quality of the traffic volume.

7. Humans are programmed to listen, learn and retain information based on how the brain receives information. People do not like to read the information on your computer screen. The linear narrative (storytelling) delivered by the sound of a human voice, enhanced by the moving image of a real person is the most effective way the information is transmitted. And 'to communicate the message and the best way to distribute content.

8. The advertising model of transmission is not relevant to the restricted nature of the web. Even the Web sites that attract thousands of visitors simultaneously, still speak of a visitor at a time, and each of these visitors can experience the content in the order and when they choose. The Web audience for your offering wants content, and your web marketing and communication techniques must be adapted to send the message, not just as content as advertising.

9. The hypertextual nature of the Web is a double edged sword. As quickly as people can be directed to your site from high ranking search engine or reciprocal links, may also leave at hyper-speed when they are frustrated by pages and pages of text, outbound links and distracting advertisements. People want content delivered in familiar formats, easily understandable and digestible - audio and video.

10. Advertising as we know it is dead. Two-thirds of the viewers completely ignore or disengage from television commercials, and the audience of the website quickly learn where the ads are on a website and then avoid them. If you do make the point, your message and attract interest in what you do, you must provide quality content that is fun, filling and, above all, unforgettable.

The Narrowcast Communication-On-Demand Site

The communications-on-demand model narrowcast site will provide information formatted in audio and video programs. Text and still images will be provided to those who need to print hardcopy information for reference purposes.

This model offers companies the opportunity to exploit the full communications capabilities of the Web and the wired nature of people to respond to human health-based presentations that enhance attraction, comprehension and information retention.

If you want to improve your bottom line with the Web, you need to start thinking differently. The same old sales and marketing models of the past are not going to work on their new Web media. Web-visitors will require more than a sales pitch or a specific product details.

How to convert a static website into a multimedia Web site

Traditionally websites are divided into sections that provide information on companies, products and / or services, customer support resources, company news and public relations initiatives, and contact information.

These elements of the traditional web site must be reformatted into more effect program-style presentations with video interviews, expert opinions, and how the sessions, as while as audio FAQs, knowledge bases, and descriptions of products or services. Testimonials, success stories and corporate histories can be transformed into fun and engaging video documentaries that establish brand personality and build confidence.

The Web has evolved from its early days in a fully functional multimedia communication. If you followed all the rules and listened to all the conventional wisdom, and are still not getting what you want from your site, maybe it's time to try a different approach....

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