Thursday, August 30, 2012

The source of all ethical values

To say that we as humans have ethical values ​​implies something much deeper. Literally, it means that we, in a sense "wired" with these values. If it were we would not have the ability to assess when something was always "right" or "wrong".

You see, before making such an assessment requires an "internal measuring stick" with which to make these measurements.

Therefore, what is the internal reference or "measuring stick" to live within us? Well many would say that this is something we learn through our lives say from our families, religion, courses on ethics, involvement with and awareness of the legal system and so on. In other words, the "measuring stick of ethics" is just a set of rules that we have acquired and is represented by many beliefs we have about what is considered "good behavior".

If this were the case, then that ethical measuring stick would be very vulnerable to being altered the next time he was married a few new rule by some "authorities". In other words, the foundations of what is or is not ethical would once again on a very unstable ground. This course could also question why we all ethical values ​​as the place from which they would not germinate in origin.

Now, if we consider for a moment a situation that you would consider transcends your ethical values ​​notice where within you, you make that assessment. If you notice closely I think you'll agree that ultimately, in addition to all the beliefs you may have on the matter in more depth within you some feelings about it.

For a moment notice these feelings. Notice where you feel them more intensely as we consider the situation that I asked you to focus on. Now you "think" that these feelings have been generated by you, or they just happen to emerge spontaneously without having to do anything but keep in mind the situation?

The next time you go to "think" about the situation at hand that you think these feelings will "feel" different? Probably not because the situation is what it is and human being "always" feel the way you do about it and nothing can change that.

So here we come to the realization of something inside you that seems immutable, that is to say your feelings on the situation at hand.

Contrary to the beliefs these are unchanging and then wired into every human being. Is not this what we have called the "internal ethical measuring stick", that we rely on to guide the ethical high ground.

So if we have all this ethical hardwiring then why is not that we have no ethical problem to be addressed at all on this planet? We should all automatically in alignment with them and live the good life ethics? Well, if you look around it is clear that this is not the case then it must be something seriously wrong.

What you know is this problem? Well, when you look at what we rely on to guide us in life has little to do with this inner wisdom. Feelings, in fact, have been vilified for too long and the "mind" and what we choose to "store" through non-dominant has attained mastery over our lives. How does it feel to you?

The whole idea of ​​ethics should be about what is right and wrong, but for whom? Good for you! In other words, this inner wisdom is the repository of information and guidance on what is right for you. This is what will lead to a happy, successful, fulfilling life. What are the consequences to you of discarding or even deny this inner wisdom?

Well, it means that you feel lost, lonely, confused, vulnerable to being manipulated and exploited, and unhappy and dissatisfied. In other words, your life and your success will be stolen from you.

If all that the education of your left you feeling that way and want to find the way back to some clarity then kindly visit the web link below where you can download a free audio from me with a special message permanently alters your life .......

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