Thursday, August 16, 2012

Email Marketing - How to double your sales conversion rate by Automatic Follow-Up Email

Who does not want to make huge profits in their business? This is indeed the primary goal of all entrepreneurs - the profits. What is that someone told you that you could double or triple your profits with the help of a new tool or technique? It would not attract your attention? Of course, it would be.

Did you know there's a tool like the one for E-business?

Yes, you could double or triple your profits with the help of automated follow-up email. These are also known as automatic responders. In other words, one could increase profits exponentially with the help of a tool that automatically answers e-mail. This is a very important piece of information, taking into account that about 50 percent of your potential customers would have bought only after a second follow-up.

The statistics show that it captures only 2% of your potential, even if the first contact and the prospect improves with each successive contact. With the second contact is obtained by 3%, the third contact would reach 5%, 10% and the fourth contact from the contact 12, the conversion rate is around 80%. Incredible, is not it?

How Can You Do That?

However well-meaning that might be, would never be able to meet the demands of all and at the same time, regular follow-up on each contact to convince them to "discover" your product? So what is your alternative? You could hire people as much as they need to manage the sales campaign and follow-up or you could use an auto responder.

What an auto responder for you?

A good auto-responder can create an immediate response and follow-up of about 20 e-mail. It will also be able to use e-mail html and text to any of your customers would be out of reach for you. All of you e-mail would be personalized with the name of your customer e-mail id and other details, which would have a "from" address, which would make it more personal and warm.

This is not all, responder would be able to use the monitoring system to check the demographics and tracking url. This would help create a url that bring customers to your website from anywhere in the world.

To summarize, the response becomes automatic and your twelve hands work all day for you - so your business looks good and makes huge profits .......

1 comment:

  1. Innovative idea. I am so glad and excited about the idea you have recommended to double up conversion rate. I am sure all the readers will find the same and apply it so as to earn more profits.
    conversion tracking
