Friday, August 24, 2012

SEO - 5 Must Do Techniques to generate sales

Many people mistakenly believe that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about being top ten Google. It is not enough to be listed on page 1 of Google, in particular competition between firms takes today. Website that ranks number 5 on Google may win more sales than the website that ranks number one on Google. You must obtain a commitment a little 'more if you want to increase your conversions.

Here are 5 powerful tips on how to increase your sales conversions to maximize your SEO strategies:

1. Your website should represent your unique product or service

Search Engine Optimization is not without competition. When your site appears on Google page 1, you have nine other sites competing with you. The basic rule of marketing applies: differentiate or die.

Therefore, it is very important to communicate why your product or service is different and unique. And 'this price? And 'that your excellent service? Is that the characteristics of your product? Whatever it is, do your best to communicate that differentiation on your website.

2. Make your web site "eye-friendly"

When your potential customers click on their website and see a lot of garbage and craps, as many pop-ups, hypes, wall of text, etc. will quickly close or click the "back" button. If this happens, it is already losing potential sales.
Make your website eye-friendly. Do not throw any useless stuff on your website. Do not abuse images and words irrelevant. Trust me, your potential buyers prefer clean, simple and easy to understand site.

3. Make your site a professional look

I often ask my clients, "what makes you choose my service?" and often answer: "Because your site looks professional." I think that this is not the only reason that makes my customers bought from me, but it certainly is an important factor in deciding which often differs from the competition. Matter of professionalism, including SEO.

4. Make your site easy to navigate

It 'easy to find a page on how to contact you? It 'easy to get detailed information about the products they sell? If you sell more products, do you classify certain categories of products? It 's easier for interested visitors to submit their inquiry through your website?

Place internal links that connect to each other of the relevant pages. Page of "products" can connect to the "contact us". Home should be linked to "about us", "why", and other pages. This will make your guests comfortably read the contents of your site and then stay longer. This is good for SEO, is not it?

5. Compelling content is a must

Your website is ranked well on Google and generates many visitors. It 's time to convince the visitors who come to buy from you. This is sales, right? Is there any point to be in top ten of Google if you do not generate sales?

Now, as for your site look convincing?

First, testimonials from satisfied customers are required. Put them on your index or home page. Use photos of your customers, if possible. Second, make your portfolio or client list visible and catch the eye. Use their logos, not just their names. Thirdly, using case studies of successful clients receiving your products or services. Shows the impact of having purchased from you.

Remember, no matter how great your SEO tactic is, complete with some marketing strategies to generate sales. The five points mentioned above will increase your sales conversions. Try it! ......

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